But there is also the visibility factor to consider - white balls can be notoriously difficult for fielders and batsmen to see in certain light conditions.
"It's a good laboratory for us to see how certain films we would like to pursue would work in a New York opening, " he said.
Meanwhile, a representative of Mr McCaw a Seattle-based cellular-telephone millionaire who helped to finance September's transfer of Keiko, a killer whale, to Iceland flew into Makah territory last week to see if a way could be found to halt the hunt in exchange for certain unspecified economic incentives.
White balls discoloured by the grass are difficult for fielders and batsmen to see in certain light conditions.
In fact, one advantage of the new feature is the ability for marketers to see how well their ads performed across certain sites, and then to focus their dollars on sites with the highest keep rates.
But certain areas of the country continue to see huge drug problems for reasons that sometimes confound those trying to dam the tide.
Maktoob made a certain sense to me, for I had long wished to see the story of what befell me written down, formed into a coherent narrative.
While we know Samsung's planning plenty for us to see in Barcelona in a few weeks, we're still not certain on the specifics.
"It's frustrating and really dangerous for us to see money going to our enemies because we have to buy oil from certain countries, " he said.
Punters pay for tickets to see an unnamed film at an unknown location with instructions to dress to a certain theme.
"To see someone wearing something of significance from a certain past season reflects more about their knowledge and passion for fashion, " he said.
While it might be hard to see that persistent quest for beauty at work in Sorger's basement bike shop, there is a certain elegance to its austerity.
ENGADGET: Engineering a better bicycle with DBC City Bike Design Alt
He ruled that, in this case, it was "appropriate" for the biological fathers to apply for a contact order, which would set out when they could see the child such as on certain weekends or during school holidays.
And as a manufacturer for the mass market (niches are different: I could in fact see a small market for pink fire engines among a certain set of parents) the way to increase profits is to acknowledge and develop for these very differences.
However it has now received "certain allegations" about the dentist and inquiries were being made to see if there was any basis for them.
One new technique being used by some neuroeconomists is transcranial magnetic stimulation, in which a coil held next to the head issues a low-level magnetic pulse that temporarily disrupts activity in a certain part of the brain, to see if that changes the subject's preferences for example, for a particular food and how much he is willing to pay for it.