But the woman stopped coming to see the doctor administering the clinical trial.
Protection for those over 65 is considered good if they have a 30 or 40 percent lower chance of getting sick enough to see the doctor.
On my last visit to one, I watched a morbidly obese patient die, while slumped over in his wheelchair, among the 30 patients lined up that morning to see the doctor.
Many doctors would have simply stopped seeing Medicare patients and military families if this pay cut took effect, effectively denying patients the chance to see the doctor they know and trust.
There are so many market-based alternatives to Medicaid, alternatives that would offer uninsured, low-income Americans the opportunity to see the doctor of their choice, and gain access to high-quality, private-sector health care.
FORBES: Oregon Study: Medicaid 'Had No Significant Effect' On Health Outcomes vs. Being Uninsured
"I was struggling in the first half with a sore Achilles and I wasn't sure if I would make it to half-time to see the doctor and get a pain-killing injection, " Henson explained.
Weekley's won the same week he went to see a doctor about the problem he has had recently maintaining focus in his left eye, sometimes causing bad twitches and making it problematic reading greens.
Earlier, Dr Rheem Mabrouk, who was the first doctor to see the toddler on the night she died, told the court she was so worried by Millie's injuries when she was admitted to hospital, that she immediately contacted police and social services.
That would save patients the time needed to see their doctor and would ease the load of sick people descending on their physicians' offices, she said.
For patients in need of services covered by Medicare, the typical wait to see a doctor was two or three weeks, and the appointments were made by answering machine.
"I wouldn't want to see a pilot turning up to fly a plane in shorts and flip-flops, and patients don't want to see a doctor dressed in the kind of thing he or she might wear down to the pub, " says Professor Colin Brown, a retired renal consultant from Sheffield.
Cahill acknowledges that a smart patient could chisel down a bill without his help, but then you'd have to see a doctor for the migraine you'd get.
FORBES: How to chop hundreds of dollars off your medical bills.
Every time a patient goes to see a doctor at her office or in the hospital that doctor gets paid.
FORBES: How To Get An $80,000 Job In Health Care Without A College Degree
If the patient tries to follow up with the physician they were referred to, they are basically told the doctor will not see them unless the patient pays up front.
Mr. Conn resubmitted Mr. Sammons' claim, and Mr. Sammons said he was surprised when Mr. Conn's office called and said he wouldn't have to appear before the judge and would only have to see a doctor, selected by Mr. Conn.
WSJ: High Approvals From Judge Deciding Social Security Disability Claims
Of course insurers would point out that the cost of a policy reflects how much it costs to see a doctor, buy a prescription or spend time in the hospital.
FORBES: Three Years To Get Fleeced If You Buy Your Own Health Insurance
Before IVF can go ahead the doctor asks to see two members of both the husband and wife's families who can testify that the sperm is genuine.
Practically speaking, if you are going to see a busy primary-care doctor for your evaluation, the time available to take a history may be brief, and access to neuropsychological testing nonexistent.
McFarlane asked lawyers to find out if the doctor could see the RB immediately.
And we've got a whole series of measures for cost reductions in the health care system over the long term, by reducing waste and unnecessary tests that are duplicative and end up wasting money, by ensuring that there's strong prevention funding so that children are getting regular checkups and they can go to see a doctor instead of going to the emergency room.
This is even true in egalitarian Sweden, where in addition to paying for the health service through their taxes, people pay small fees to see a doctor or nurse, and small daily charges for hospital stays.
This will be helpful in itself, but a good counselor will also know whether you need to see a doctor to get medical help for the depression.
For example, the average wait to see a new family doctor in this country is just under three weeks, according to a 2009 survey by medical consultancy Merritt Hawkins.
It did not quite occur to me that these older women were watching to see what direction this intimacy might take and that they were ready to turn righteous if the doctor should decide to drop me.
By moving the receiver closer and further away from the emitter while taking a long exposure photo, the good doctor was able to capture the wavefront radiating on film, and let you see the unseen with a bit of Christmas-colored flair.
How long does it take you on the phone to make an appointment to see a doctor?
What most patients care about is when they see the doctor when is something going to be done, not artificial waiting lists.