It recently lowered forecasts on oil prices that seemed to squeeze out some leveraged longs.
Skeptics, however, question the benefit of tweaking Taxol to squeeze out more potency.
As a result, it was Lautenberg who was able to squeeze out a come-from-behind 4-point win over Congresswoman Millicent Fenwick.
By sharing under-the-skin components among many models, Ford plans to squeeze out waste and to speed development time.
One-hundred-and-eighty thousand volunteers have been working three-hour shifts in the swing states to squeeze out every last voter.
Apache invested in new technology to squeeze out all that and then some.
They also work rotating day and evening shifts to squeeze out more production.
Austin has opened some call-center operations in India to squeeze out similar savings.
You may be able to squeeze out a few more promotions, raises, etc.
FORBES: Why Do I Feel Stalled In My Career As A Successful Investment Banker?
It takes time to squeeze out the savings in a large acquisition.
To squeeze out more revenue, Hanson plans to open new motor-rebuilding shops and offer more on-site repair and parts installation.
To squeeze out more revenue, Hanson plans to open new motor-rebuild shops and offer more on-site repair and parts installation.
Some on Wall Street were surprised that the family wasn't able to squeeze out a higher bid from Mr. Murdoch.
Ensuring that the power utilities do not use their monopoly to squeeze out new entrants will be one important task.
Sure, it's fun to suggest that these guys are desperate to squeeze out a hit, just like everyone else in Hollywood.
But with myriad pressures on its businesses, Cintas can't help pushing its thousands of salespeople and drivers to squeeze out whatever they can.
Last week rivals including Morgan Stanley also managed to squeeze out profits thanks to accounting maneuvers resulting from changes in debt-related credit value.
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Firms of every description sought to squeeze out inefficiencies, sell off non-core businesses and close redundant operations, all in the name of shareholder value.
Besides getting assets that would not otherwise have been available, Exxon and the other acquirers have the opportunity to squeeze out huge amounts of overhead.
Still, the race to squeeze out that last drop of the lemon and create room for much needed discretionary spending rages on like never before.
The demonstration appeared to be designed to show just how much clock speed Intel may be able to squeeze out of its new chip design.
Furthermore, a marked decline in the value of the U.S. dollar through the third quarter has made it even more difficult to squeeze out profits.
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"The airlines are basically trying to squeeze out more fees in the face of higher costs, and it is inconveniencing a lot of passengers, " said Hobica.
Ford wants to also accelerate development of global vehicles that share similar underpinnings, in order to squeeze out even more savings from engineering, manufacturing and marketing.
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It was certainly a very radical thing to do when he removed regulations and cut taxes and left the Fed to squeeze out inflation by monetary means.
He focuses on process and execution, slogging through minute details to get to a clear answer and pressing relentlessly to squeeze out more cost and stir more demand.
You may be able to squeeze out a thick, cheesy material through this opening, but because of the risk of infection and scarring, it's best to leave this to your dermatologist.
The result was a surge of inflation which took so long to squeeze out, even partially, that policy could not be loosened again until the economy was well past its peak.
It is that time of year when we celebrate with family, remember all we have to be thankful for, and scramble to squeeze out those last few dollars of tax deductible charitable gifts.
FORBES: Why Should The NFL And PACs Get The Same Tax Advantages As Soup Kitchens?