Pakistan, potentially the biggest loser, faces international pressure not to stand in the way.
It would be awkward for me to stand in the way of what they had said previously.
She and her party might then agree not to stand in the way of his re-election as president.
The displaced villagers may be compensated, but they are not allowed to stand in the way of progress.
The focus on market definition has nevertheless made it harder for trustbusters to stand in the way of some mergers.
But if the French government is determined to stand in the way of foreign bids, Sanofi's hostile bid could eventually play out.
Tell them not to stand in the way of the recovery.
WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: Extending the Payroll Tax Cut for the Middle Class | The White House
We are not going to allow politics as usual on Capitol Hill to stand in the way of American consumers being protected by unscrupulous financial operators.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Confirming Richard Cordray
Now Greece needs another rescue, default is nearer and the Germans and Dutch, threatening to stand in the way, want private creditors to contribute right away.
The work we do in this field is often referred to as idealistic or unattainable, words that do much to stand in the way of productive transformation.
With Congress back in Washington, several factions on both sides of the aisle threaten to stand in the way of reform if their needs are not met.
The financial industry has even launched a massive lobbying campaign, locking arms with the opposition party, to stand in the way of reforms to prevent another crisis.
WHITEHOUSE: The President Proposes Financial Crisis Responsibility Fee | The White House
The government has made it clear that where there is strong local support for the idea, council opposition will not be allowed to stand in the way.
They believe the goal of getting most nations to participate in a CW treaty is too important to allow the fact that some decline to stand in the way.
For his part, Rodriguez, who has a full no-trade clause, was reportedly stung enough by his high-profile benching to agree not to stand in the way of a deal.
It's far more dangerous than any attack made by those who wish to stand in the way progress -- and that's the idea that there is nothing or little that we can do.
"Council members shared the view that the suffering of the people ... requires that both sides act with a sense of urgency, and both parties should not allow technicalities to stand in the way, " said Wittig.
CNN: South Sudan, Sudan talk to finalize border, other issues
Gov. PALIN: I'm not going to stand in the way of progress, that our congressional delegation, in the position of strength that they have right now, they're making those efforts for the state of Alaska to build up our infrastructure.
But it may be in the administration's interests to keep the subject in the headlines, continuing to suggest that the Republicans will stand in the way of a deal.
If your boyfriend is a good man and you love him, I wouldn't let what you've described to me stand in the way of marrying or having children.
Richard Leese, the council leader, argues that the industrialists who made Manchester great were not people to let History stand in the way of Progress.
The goal was to win and he was not going to let the judicial system stand in his way.
Again, I think Republicans in the Senate are going to have to ask themselves why they would stand in the way of financial reform.
Aside from a ridiculous, tear-jerking plot twist that I won't type for fear of debasing my fingertips, the other characters are just there to have their floundering spirits lifted by Patch, or to angrily stand in his way while he tries to soak the vicinity with his unbridled wonderfulness.
Obama told Congress to keep the economy moving and not stand in the way of economic growth by stalling important policy initiatives.
Well I want all of you here and all our Conservative friends around the country to stand up and lead the way in getting people involved in a massive grass-roots debate on the future of our country.
The need to reform our procurement systems shouldn't stand in the way of developing the weapons we need now and will need in the future.
But to help our companies compete, we also have to knock down barriers that stand in the way of their success.
WHITEHOUSE: The 2011 State of the Union Address: Enhanced Version
Tell them that if they want your vote, then they need to stand with you and not in the way of our recovery.
WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: Congress Should Keep America Moving Forward | The White House