When no mice with the right genetic makeup are available, researchers have to start from scratch.
The best places are refugee economies, where people have had to start from scratch.
Every so often, when a software supplier upgrades, they have to start from scratch.
When he came home and he wanted to become a nurse, he had to start from scratch.
I'll have to start from scratch learning a new job and taking a pay cut at the same time.
So I got to start from scratch, instead of from some negative position.
Yes, the Internet represents and presents new challenges, but to resolve them we don't need to start from scratch.
Rather than continuing the "Modern Warfare" storyline, the development studio decided to start from scratch with a new story and new characters.
Giving up the certainty of an established season ticket base to start from scratch is a risk most owners would rather avoid.
If we returned, we would have to start from scratch and go through everything we went through in Iran, all over again.
BBC: NEWS | South Asia | Moscow's Afghan war: The refugee's story
Several years later the team realized they had to start from scratch.
Vanek is also unsure of his future, and reiterated on Saturday he's not interested in staying in Buffalo if the team intends to start from scratch.
If it fails, Warner Bros. will basically have to start from scratch in terms of what to do to fill that Harry Potter-sized gap in their schedule.
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Others insisted that he immediately take down his digital edition, which would erase all records of the thousands of five-star reviews the book had accumulated, forcing him to start from scratch.
He has decided to start from scratch in a city that inspired his love of hip hop in the 1980s and led him to introduce rapping to the land of opera.
Unlike the last Winter Games in Vancouver, which was integrated within the city, Sochi has had to start from scratch -- new roads, rail, hotels, as well as an improved power grid.
The only answer is to start from scratch.
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But this approach is such a radical change from the operation of the old console that games developers will be forced to start from scratch, using a new style of computer programming to produce games for the PlayStation 3.
We need to start from scratch.
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One of arguments against independence has always been that an independent Scotland would have to start from scratch and apply to join the EU. But won't Alex Salmond now be able to argue that David Cameron wants to pull out anyway?
The alternative exams' makers also said they will work with states to find ways to combine scores from the GED with their new exams so students who have passed some sections of the current GED won't be forced to start from scratch.
So, if I finish the game as a Siren, and decide to start from scratch as a Ninja (or as the promised DLC character, the cyborg Mech Romantic), I can take my levels in badass with me, giving me Level 1 character the ability to burn through the initial challenges of the game, or help out higher-level characters in multiplayer.
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When it reconvenes, those bills will have to start again from scratch.
If the appeal is upheld the escrow money will revert to Facebook and Narendra and the Winklevosses will have to start over from scratch.
"When I found out, I was excited because I felt like it was a reset button and we got to really start from scratch and explore more things, " she explains.
"It is impossible to improve it, so they will have to start again from scratch, " he told hundreds of supporters gathered in a park in the centre of the capital, Quito.
Unsatisfied, Mr Gergiev decided to start again from scratch.
That is because his trial might have to start again from scratch, and might still be before the courts when the clock runs out on the charges under the statute of limitations.