This twitchier attitude is beginning to strike a chord in both Poland and Hungary.
Ryan also is happy to lend his Catholic moral theology credentials to his new boss, who sometimes struggles to strike a chord with religious voters.
And he is likely to say that the government could do more through its own procurement and purchasing to support innovation - which is likely to strike a chord with many of the businesses to whom I talk.
Its business plan, based on a target of selling three million tickets, and government support will be strong selling points in a difficult economic climate, while Will Greenwood's comments about grassroots rugby also appear to strike a chord with IRB Council members.
The fledgling league is hoping to strike a chord with casual soccer fans by rescuing some of its teams from monstrous football stadiums--mausoleums to a soccer club playing to less than half capacity much of the time--and into soccer-only venues that bring fans closer to the action.
It seemed to strike a chord with people when I complained about how there are over 50 analysts that cover Apple (AAPL) and most of them offer absolutely no value to potential investors looking to these so-called experts when trying to figure out if they should buy or sell the stock.
The theory goes that being associated with the retention or resumption of weekly bin rounds enables the Communities Secretary Eric Pickles to strike a popular chord while diverting attention from his austerity measures elsewhere.
Whatever the practical challenges of trying to renegotiate Nafta, or, indeed, the truth of its negative impact on the US economy, criticism of free trade seems to strike a particular chord in blue collar, Rust Belt states, such as Pennsylvania and Ohio, which have been shedding manufacturing jobs over the past few years.
What the findings suggest is that consumers are most likely to choose brands that strike a nonconscious as well as conscious chord for them, and marketers who know exactly how their brands resonate with customers will have a sustainable advantage over competitors, according to Buyology's chief executive, Gary Singer.
Yet their plain-speaking and promises to care for the elderly, reduce taxes and preserve indigenous traditions strike a chord with many.