There aren't enough hardware store clerks in the world to supply all the hand-holding needed.
Wind is projected to supply 16% of Spain's entire electricity generating capacity by 2010.
The US and EU have so far refused to supply the rebels with weapons.
BBC: Syria crisis: US steps up aid to rebels at talks in Turkey
Aggreko agreed to supply power to areas of Japan worst hit by the earthquake and tsunami.
Alcoa was also selected to supply metallic solutions for regional and business jets to Bombardier.
For the nation, according to supply-sider Hoffmeister, it is not the end of the world.
Local hotels and businesses have been putting out hoses to supply the homeless with clean water.
The new deal is a "multi-year" agreement to supply intellectual property (IP) licences and components.
The earth may have sufficient oil to supply our needs for centuries to come.
Japan's Electricity Business Act, however, doesn't allow foreign companies to supply electricity in Japan.
Ambulance and police come through this area and they--we don't have no gas to supply.
Apparently, David and Charles Koch refused a request from Waxman and Rush to supply these documents.
FORBES: Will the Kochtopus Make a Killing on the Keystone XL Pipeline?
He said Germany was not asked to supply air or ground forces in Afghanistan.
He says that Pakistan is not producing enough films to supply local cinema demand.
Shale gas is expected to supply 45% of the U.S. market by 2025.
Critics point out that it would be impossible to supply the huge American market from Canada.
He opened a small textile store that used to supply goods to the erstwhile rulers.
FedEx said federal investigators have declined to supply it with a list of suspect pharmacies.
As for what good or service to supply, the character of the entrepreneur is intimately involved.
In England, local authority schools also have to supply meals which comply with strict nutrient standards.
To supply a thousand cases of Kombucha, the business needed to buy the bottles first.
While that number seems daunting, there is a flip side relating to supply and demand.
Spurs looked comfortable in possession but struggled to supply lone striker Darren Bent with sufficient ammunition.
Meanwhile, officials say that investment will come from Argentines' repatriating capital to supply buoyant domestic demand.
Areas range from arts administration and marketing research to supply chain management and real estate.
This usually means a refusal to supply a document or a piece of information on demand.
Providers need an incentive to supply the data as well as penalties for withholding them.
The Tories will have to supply a more comprehensive prospectus than they have so far.
ECONOMIST: Britain��s long, hot-and-cold summer of uncertainty
Previous jumps in the oil price were typically caused by a sudden disruption to supply.
ECONOMIST: How should central banks respond to a rise in oil prices?
So Palin and her staff pitched in to supply food, including four boxes of brownie mix.