But as wags have taken to pointing out, submarines spend most of their time submerged, and are not known to take to the air.
Its City Council House 2, with windows that open at night to take in air that cools the interior by day, was the first public building in Australia to get a six-star green rating.
But Ben Bernanke, the current chairman, recently backed the idea of intervening to take the air out of bubbles.
In March, I called for the CME to use its power to take the air out of the oil bubble.
After Algeria permitted France to use its air space to take on insurgents, militants angry at the move stormed a gas field in eastern Algeria and took hostages in what is now an ongoing hostage crisis.
This flood will soon seem like a mere trickle once the very light jets take to the air.
One of the groups will take to the air above Panama in a transport plane to better study the sun's corona.
This flood will soon seem like a mere trickle once the very light jets take to the air (see Digital Rules ).
The results of the study have important implications for efforts to combat future climate change which are likely to take place alongside attempts to lower air pollution levels.
The next thing he did was take to the air.
CNN: Mom: Dogs searching for Iowa girls stopped at edge of lake
Romney, who had begun to take on the air of the Republican nominee by focusing on President Barack Obama rather than Republican rivals, had to turn his focus back toward his challenger and built up a nearly 400-delegate lead in the race to the 1, 144 needed to clinch the nomination.
Whenever possible, the windows are opened to take advantage of the fresh air and connect employees to the sounds of birds in the wetland bordering two sides of the building.
It was pushed to this height recently to take it clear of residual air molecules at the top of the atmosphere that tend to drag it downwards over time.
Pirate DJs want to see evidence and are convinced it is another excuse to take their stations off air.
When a model failed to show, Walters asked to take her place on air, and the rest is television history.
FORBES: Television Without Barbara Walters Is Hard To Imagine
Designed to take on the MacBook Air, some might argue that Google copied the Apple playbook in designing Chomebook Pixel.
Bike in the warm evening air to take in a play at the Herb Strauss Theatre or the J Howard Wood Theatre.
"Ariana is a government airline, and that is one reason it didn't want Kam Air to take off, " admits Amin Farhang, the minister of commerce and industries.
There's nothing quite like a behind closed doors briefing at a busy tradeshow like IFA. Creative wasn't quite ready to take its new D5 Air out onto the showroom floor just yet, but the company did let us take a sneak peak at the thing in a small testing room room.
ENGADGET: Creative D5 Air Airplay speaker hits IFA, readies itself for a late-September release
So we work very aggressively to ensure that we take the necessary action to protect our air and water and that we also issue regulations and reform regulations in a way that makes them as efficient as possible.
The BBC reserves the right to take any contestant off-air and disqualify them from the competition at any time if they display offensive, abusive or any other kind of unsuitable behaviour.
At any rate, a group of municipal power companies in the American Midwest reckon that building a wind-powered compressed-air plant to take advantage of the blustery Great Plains will be worthwhile.
ECONOMIST: Compressed air might help to make wind power more reliable
Curry scored 15 points in the second quarter and hit four jumpers during a 14-5 run the Warriors used to grab control and take the air out of the Pepsi Center as they cruised into halftime with a 61-53 lead that would never be threatened in the second half.
They also found a surface-to-air rocket that could take down a helicopter.
As the body notices that it needs oxygen, it tries to take in a large amount of air, causing a gasping, snoring or snorting sound.
The FAA has ordered all of its 47, 000 employees (27, 000 of which are air controllers) to take one day off per ten work days without pay.
FORBES: Sequester Scaremongers Caught Red Handed on Air Controller Cuts
"As global warming starts to take hold, the need for air conditioning will become that much greater and the problems of insulating buildings will become even more accentuated, " he says.
As well as the RAF Waddington show, the Vulcan has been given the green light to take part in the Royal International Air Tattoo in Fairford, Gloucestershire, and the Farnborough airshow in Hampshire.
Another memory from the 1977 mayoral race had the candidate and me pacing the hall outside a Midtown hotel suite where Vice President Walter Mondale, who was scheduled to campaign with Mr. Koch, had apparently overslept, or decided to sleep in. (I'd been summoned to take the Vice President's luggage back to the airport and Air Force Two.) Whatever it was, Koch took the mix-up stoically.
' It is presumably why the Administration accepted Boutros-Ghali's claim of authority to decide when and where NATO air strikes could take place in Bosnia and why the U.S. dispatched crack troops to Somalia without raising serious questions about whether it is prudent, justifiable or in the U.S. interest.