That can mean working with external organizations to tap into the best possible talent.
In doing so, Amway hoped to tap into the e-commerce boom with a tech-y sounding name.
If people are playing more Scrabble, they should figure out how to tap into that.
However, GM has not been able to tap into this fast-growing segment of the market.
The ultimate goal is not just to tap into HP's replacement supplies gold mine.
Unlike a flexible spending account, an HSA is an account you don't have to tap into.
Still, she acknowledges, it's getting easier for fraudsters to tap into the data used.
But that didn't stop Democratic hopefuls from trying to tap into his popularity in the state.
Any Democratic winner will be able to tap into a huge store of goodwill abroad.
They want to tap into the talent that has been deferred by big corporate firms.
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Understanding what motivates people and how to tap into that on a daily basis is key.
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First, to tap into big data, small businesses must become full participants in the digital universe.
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Marketers are just starting to tap into these powerful groups, and the potential is tantalizing.
"Beer provides the opportunity to tap into that deeply God-given desire to create, " Mr. Heck says.
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Polaroid Fotobar aims to tap into unprecedented interest in photography with its inaugural 2, 000-square-foot store.
Facebook represents a huge opportunity to tap into an unprecedented aggregation of human interaction.
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Butcher last summer established links with Sorrento Soccer Club as he attempted to tap into Australian talent.
BBC: SPORT | Football | My Club | Motherwell | Butcher plays down Aussie links
These partnerships are a very high-margin source of income and present opportunity to tap into large markets.
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In 2005 Microsoft figured out how to tap into the revenue stream of extended warranties for software.
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Companies such as Hewlett-Packard, BP and Deloitte have spent significantly to tap into those avenues.
Burgess has been able to tap into the company's systems to discover countless minor, easily fixable problems.
NineSights gives him the opportunity to tap into global inventor networks, again helping to accelerate product development.
Now you have to be able to tap into all the other channels that are out there.
One way PepsiCo has begun to tap into these resources is through Influencer Relationship Management, or IRM.
Foreign firms are looking to tap into China's booming internet market, amid sluggish growth in developed nations.
The answer, he said, was to tap into the brain's "hierarchical" system used to control the body.
One solution from a college looking to tap into the MOOC trend: remove the incentive to cheat.
Rosneft would be able to tap into BP's expertise in exploring in difficult and potentially hazardous conditions.
He is a wise old owl and I'll be able to tap into him as and when needed.
You may even be able to tap into the advice of a trusted colleague who reports to you.
FORBES: Do You Feel Lonely As A Leader? Study Says You're Not Alone.