This isn't the first time Miller -- who was appointed to replace the late Paul Coverdell in the Senate -- has stepped out front on an issue.
It had come as a surprise to her, those first few weeks: the reason she had joined the group had been to make new friends, but now she was grateful that nobody here wanted to do anything but gather at the appointed time, ring the bells, and go home.
Abbas appointed him to his job around the time he was elected PA head in 2005.
All three were appointed to their current positions at the same time Mr. Toyoda, the grandson of the founder, became president.
According to press reports at the time, he spent the appointed hour on a 68-foot houseboat owned by the charity.
After stepping down as premier for the last time in 1992, he was appointed to Italy's upper house of parliament for life.
Eriksson, 61, was linked with Portsmouth following Tony Adams' departure in February but was contracted to the Mexico national side at the time and Paul Hart was appointed caretaker manager at Fratton Park .
"It's a really exciting time to be on the council, " says Alemany, who was appointed last year.
In 1957 he was appointed to his first full-time job, as assistant conductor of the BBC Scottish Orchestra (now the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra).
Another prosecutor is likely to be appointed to succeed him, since the Whitewater probe probably will not be complete by the time he leaves.
At the same time, it also appointed a former US official, Bob Werner, to work as its head of financial crime compliance, a new position the bank has created.
During his time in Parliament, he served as the parliamentary private secretary to three ministers before being appointed as a junior minister for transport in London in 1992.
But Dr Jan Vermeulen, one of the medical experts appointed by Mr McKinnon's advisers, asserted for the first time that he was unfit to plead and stand trial.
He ended his playing career with county side Durham in 2007 and was immediately appointed as a bowling consultant by England, which led to a full-time staff job with the England and Wales Cricket Board.
But at its meeting on Monday, the Assembly voted to allow ministers who were already ordained at the same time as Mr Rennie was elected in Aberdeen, and already known to be gay, to be appointed to new jobs despite their homosexuality.
Mr Hunt was only appointed last month, but has already sparked controversy by saying he favours halving the abortion time limit to 12 weeks.
Francisco Lopes, briefly appointed governor of the central bank at the time of Brazil 's devaluation in January, refused to testify under oath to a Senate inquiry into leaks of official information.