Conversely, Amazon EC2 is always connected to the backbone of the internet where round-trip latency is 5 milliseconds or less to most web sites rather than the 100 milliseconds seen over wireless connections.
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And rather than wait for Nitel to deliver a high capacity link to connect him and his customers to the backbone of the internet, he has opted for a direct satellite link to the United States.
Thanks to a contract with Formula One stretching into the next decade, Monaco will continue to be the backbone of the series.
It will also be crucial for telcos to upgrade their networks so they can provide the backbone to the much talked-about digital home of the future, where appliances such as ovens can be switched on remotely.
We would all like to see our elected officials have the backbone to do the right thing even when there will be a political price to pay.
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The F-35 is supposed to become the backbone of American air power, but its costs have been rising.
No studio executive contacted would comment on Kocher's scheme on the record, but it looks likely to be the backbone of any eventual security standard.
Ten divisions equipped with the new S-500 anti-missile system are set to become the backbone of the country's missile defences.
China Unicom recently gave Lucent a billion-dollar contract to design and deploy an entire network, from the optical backbone to the circuits and wireless systems that will feed into it.
It irks them to think a Canadian company could possibly have the backbone to compete with the likes of Apple.
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The deployment of Cisco routers is expected to lay the groundwork for a backbone upgrade to 10 Gbps in the future.
They are and will continue to be the backbone of the White House press operation.
Second, an extensive automated test system was already in place to provide the backbone of the new methodology.
In 2012, star personalities continued to be the backbone of strong fundraising campaigns.
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Folks like my grandfather came back from World War II to form the backbone of the largest middle class in history.
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Neither the Obama administration nor aspiring Republican hopefuls have the backbone to seize the bull by the horns and wrestle him to the ground.
Metal-forming technologies, and the machine tool industry, continue to be the industrial backbone for any industrial economy.
Britain's Tony Blair has trotted the globe, trying to put backbone into the American-led coalition.
Gartner thinks there needs to be a wired backbone to the digital home, with wireless nodes also serving data to places the wires do not reach.
BBC: NEWS | Technology | Battle over the digital living room
And since fiber-optic cables are typically run right along with utility pipes--neither phone nor gas companies want to have their lines cut--it's easy to connect a fiber backbone to the gas pipes at the neighborhood level, and beam a signal the final few feet to each home.
These things can be done, but a lot of legacy silo thinking and billing assets will need to bite the dust in favor of regional VistA-enabled frameworks to act as the regional backbone for a fresh start.
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Although the Order in Actos outlines the predictive coding protocol in detail, it does little to illuminate the complexity related to data sampling techniques that are the backbone of predictive coding technology.
Recruitment firm Rockpools have been conducting a wide-ranging and rigorous search to fill the nine senior posts - ranging from head of men's and women's tennis to commercial director - that will form the backbone of the LTA's efforts to re-invigorate tennis in Britain.
Companies that have an expertise in technology, for example, can collaborate with non-profits or social entrepreneurs to provide the infrastructure backbone that turn their ideas into reality.
In recent months, Motorola has lost its contract as the primary supplier to the Nationwide 911 backbone business to Lockheed Martin (nyse: LMT - news - people ).
Due to the lack of backbone of successive governments this hasn't been done and hence the geographical disease area is now much of the west of England and Wales, so an effective cull would now have to be incredibly widespread.
They think we want to tax too much and spend too much, and do we have the backbone to really stand up and make some of these hard decisions?
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The connections to and from them form the backbone of mobile networks across Europe.
The singer uses this as a musical backbone to render the original composition into a qawwali, khayal or thumri (styles of singing).
According to Marescotti, family-born businesses like Brembo are the backbone of Italy, and a reason not to worry about the political malaise hovering over the country.