Short and stocky he might be, but he was full to the brim with Texas swagger.
Apple stores were filled to the brim, and product was flying off the shelves.
Most private schools I know are filled to the brim with the 1%.
With the government's stockpiling granaries full to the brim, Japanese farmers have long been paid not to produce the stuff.
You will not survive over the long haul without being filled to the brim with a burning passion for what you do.
If all of this is a turnoff, if you prefer your celebratory toasts unpretentious and filled right to the brim, don't worry.
Much of boxing's cream is to be found in the lower weight divisions, with the light welterweight ranks full to the brim with talent.
This is a simply awe-inspiring website, filled to the brim with stunning images and ways to explore them through 10 separate, uniquely structured virtual paths.
Here, at the very foot of Britain, every pasty is filled to the brim with ingredients, from the traditional beef to chicken tikka or pizza and chilli.
More hearty dishes of indigenous origin can be found in La Vega Chica, a collection of tiny restaurant stalls that are often packed to the brim with locals.
The experts say that Obamacare is filled to the brim with sophisticated new ideas for cost control: Accountable Care Organizations, the Independent Payment Advisory Board, investing in primary care, etc. etc.
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The professors, in the good schools great scholars, are unaccessible because they drone their lectures to auditoriums filled to the brim with hundreds, often using broken, hissing microphones, manually changing slides on actual slide projectors.
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Picture the fairgrounds -- perhaps enlarged several fold -- filled to the brim with ultra-slim televisions, giant smartphones, tablets, laptops and enough washers and dryers to keep the entire population of Germany's wardrobe squeaky clean.
But while Sun Life Stadium in Miami Gardens, Florida was packed to the brim and loud as can be, outside of the hardcore fans, it appears that people are content with watching the game at home.
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The design here is impeccable, a truly ambitious and exciting and gorgeous display of building a linear game that is not linear, an open world that is not open, filled to the brim with secrets and wonder.
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Here the past thrusts through the walls of the present, but it is not a heritage city pandering to the past: it is chaotic, relaxed and frantic, filled to the brim with its stylish, traditional, anarchic, conformist, self-centred, charming and ebullient inhabitants.
Which leads to the trickle-up theory: couture, being about lasting luxury instead of fashion fads, doesn't set trends but rather picks them up by osmosis, and last March the ready-to-wear shows were full to the brim with furs, from Ann Demeulemeester's cave-woman wraps to Amanda Wakeley's ermine jumper to Fendi's furs-that-didn't-look-like-furs (they looked like hobo patchwork coats, chunky grandma jumpers, and velvet skirts).
Sad indeed for fans, actors and producers, but the Facebook page itself seems to brim with hope for the same reasons the YouTube channels do: community is the future of television.
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When the snow begins to fall in one scene, collecting on the brim of Walt's hat, it's so realistic you can smell the storm in the air.
But the irony in all of this, according to Brim, is that fame doesn't provide the sense of belonging that its seekers long for.
But now the entire neighborhood seemed to brim with an exaggerated presence.
This package is spilling over-the-brim with legendary content that is not to be missed by those who want the ultimate experience of this historic arrival.
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The gravel pit had filled to its brim with melted snow and rain, so that Caro had to edge around it on her way to catch the school bus.
For a while after she moved in, he pottered around with a smile on his grizzled face, raffishly touching the brim of his baseball cap to us neighbors and whistling as he swept the leaves off his front steps.
It moved through hoods, beanies and "Cat in the Hat" hats on to baseball caps first turned sideways and then with a flat brim (the polar opposite of the redneck and preppy artfully turned trend) and the current reinvented trend for "the bucket, " preferably from Louis Vuitton or Ralph Lauren.
WSJ: Tina Gaudoin on Style: The Hat Is On | The Top Winter Accessories
The wind sweeps a chattering funnel of dead leaves between his knees and teases the brim of his straw hat and Henry tries to concentrate on what he is doing.
That means the proportion of people whose primary life motivation is fame isn't getting larger over time, even though opportunities for people to try for their 15 minutes have exploded through the Internet and reality TV shows, Brim said.
The fame motive can be a way to get money and power, and vice versa, Brim said.
Howard Brim takes public transportation east from the city's predominantly African-American West End to a suburban high school that has an equally strong academic and athletic program.