If you don't want to use Excel (and you don't really care whether you can determine your average daily mileage between trips to the mechanic), you've got a couple of other options.
You'd be mad at having to return your car to the mechanic within a month, yet rehospitalization after people get their hearts repaired too often is treated as business as usual, laments Dr. Ricardo Bello, a cardiac surgeon at New York's Montefiore Medical Center.
"You don't take your Ford to the VW mechanic, " says Tibbs' partner Stephen Cagle.
Menchov went to pick up his crashed bike but the mechanic shouted to get on the new one and the Russian rode the unblemished machinery home to claim the race.
If you want to be the only honest mechanic in the tri-state area, more power to you.
Kingrey had to perfect the new right analog stick pitching mechanic to throw that perfect game with the virtual Halladay.
While a manhunt was under way for the driver who caused the accident, Michael persuaded a mechanic to mask the damage to the family car.
He finally took it to a shop where the mechanic used a more sophisticated scanner that checks systems that can be proprietary, to each car maker, such as the brakes and security gear.
Like Gruul, Boros is a guild that is forced into the attack role in order to reap the benefits of its guild mechanic.
"The techniques have a trickle-down effect on the whole society and get the mechanic or the farmer back to work faster, too, " says Dr. Claude Moorman III, director of sports medicine at Duke University.
There, he has to go back to the basics as a mechanic in a garage (mirroring the scenes in the first half of Iron Man), repairing his broken armor and psyche in order to come back from defeat, to reveal himself as alive and better than ever after all.
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The donor was a 20-year-old airman who was training to be an aviation mechanic in Pensacola, and the recipient was a retired Army veteran, according to the Department of Defense.
Each time the same mechanic told her the car belonged to the antique brigade and should have been off the road for the last thirty years at the very least.
The really annoying mechanic is the swipe-up to jump.
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This makes repairs 30% cheaper than going to your typical mechanic, the company says.
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It would be like compairing a Mechanic to summerize the stock market as a person who has NEVER worked on cars, to do the reports.
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The friend who rented an apartment to Tsarnaev family said the father, Anzor Tsarnaev, was a talented car mechanic and aspired to open his own garage.
The evolve mechanic allows Simic creatures to grow from reasonable beginnings to dangerous threats over the course of a game, and has ways to place and use counters as combat tricks or as fuel to draw cards.
It's an extreme case but it highlights a very real dilemma for every neophyte collector who's thinking about hiring an art adviser: Are you putting yourself in the hands of someone who's going to treat your walls the way a shady auto mechanic treats your alternator?
As the accompanying mini-documentary shows, the team behind this project not only put great care into constructing the 20ft x 7ft custom track with the right bends, it also faithfully crafted the slot cars so as to mimic the Audi quattro's all wheel drive mechanic.
The mechanic is anxious to begin work and is telling the Lagosian that he can fix anything, and that he offers the cheapest service around.
On the other hand, visiting a mechanic before the summer months does much to ensure long days at the lake rather than at the auto shop.
Hormann took her car to a mechanic who discovered and removed the tracking device.
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He said measures have been put in place to address the issue, such as increasing mechanic availability.
Then he turns to me and asks whether we should hire the mechanic.
Some thought that Charles, at heart a mechanic, applied to personal matters the same control he sought with his machines.
After the wedding, the Army sent Lloyd to Mississippi for aircraft mechanic training, then back to California and on to New Jersey before he deployed to Europe, where Marian could not follow.
For Jimenez, the Los Angeles auto mechanic, this election is the Democratic Party's last chance to secure his support.
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He drives an hour each way to his job as a mechanic, but says many of his friends, "had to go in the military to get out of town, " and get a job.