Thus, apart from the direct ethics of suffering, justice and equality, there is another reason to support all reasonable means of poverty reduction: this is the only way to secure the ability of ordinary people to participate in debates about culture within their own communities.
He has called for the Roman Catholic Church to be closer to ordinary people, especially the poor and disadvantaged.
The new pontiff, the first from Latin America, has called for the Roman Catholic Church to be closer to ordinary people, especially the poor and disadvantaged.
BBC: Pope Francis to wash feet of prisoners in pre-Easter Mass
Union leaders deny any intention of bringing it or the country to its knees, but many see Wednesday's stoppage as the first step in a campaign to draw attention to the problems of ordinary people.
"The American people overwhelmingly voted last year for a change in our national priorities to put the interests of ordinary people ahead of the greed of Wall Street and the wealthy few, " Sanders said then, explaining his action.
For several hours that day and on the day of the elections, we talked to ordinary people in the streets.
Yet Mr Moynihan never forgot about the Democratic Party's mission to improve the lot of ordinary people.
He has been a brilliant, coaxing, insatiably curious listener to the tales of ordinary people.
"I want to make the genomics revolution meaningful to ordinary people, " Venter says.
But for any conservative party to find itself in the position of having to insist it is the party of ordinary people, not just the rich, is pretty poor.
Seaside historian Kathryn Ferry said the Illuminations' success needed to be understood by looking at the time in which they were created, when ordinary working people headed to the seaside in their thousands.
As MPs continued committee stage scrutiny on 4 May 2011 of the Finance Bill, which enacts measures in March's Budget, she said the coalition failed to understand the lives of ordinary British people.
Many of these rules were developed based on the incredible abuses committed by the mortgage and securities industries, and others are based on laws intended to protect the privacy of ordinary people.
It's the story of firefighters and police officers who rushed to those burning towers, and ordinary people who rushed to the aid of a flooded American city.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama at Points of Light Forum in Texas
The White House historically extends invitations to ordinary people to join the first lady in the public gallery of the House chamber during the speech, believing they can help put a human face on an issue or proposal the president will discuss during his annual address.
But there is widespread expectation that Francis will soon name a new master of liturgical ceremonies more in line with his priorities of bringing the church and its message of love and service to ordinary people without the "high church" trappings of his predecessor.
They were employed by Mass-Observation, a social research organization founded in 1937 to study the everyday lives of ordinary people, who were also invited to participate in surveys and keep diaries.
But now he needs to do something else: deliver the fruits of independence to ordinary people.
His successor should not be a visionary: he ought rather to be able to run a complex bureaucracy and take up the challenge of reconnecting the European project to ordinary people.
This progress has been achieved by using Venezuela's vast oil revenues to transform the lives of ordinary people.
Its aim is to allow senior Tories to hear the concerns of ordinary people at a nationwide series of meetings.
This is an attempt to understand the lives of ordinary people living in taiga or highlands, in a desert or tundra.
He also passed on a chauffeured limousine, preferring to take the bus with ordinary people, and he cooked his own meals.
Cedric Hodgeman and Raul Roman created UBELONG to allow ordinary people the opportunity to engage meaningfully and affordably in international development.
FORBES: I Am Thankful for American Style Capitalism, Driven by Generosity More Than Greed
It was this group that redefined American politics in the 1980s, and this group that will come to the fore during the general election, as ordinary people take more interest in politics.
After the war, bursting with ideas and with a new husband, Gerry Raffles, nine years her junior, whom she had met when he was a teenager, Miss Littlewood once again set out to show ordinary people the magic of theatre.
There are plenty of shows that feed the need to get a glimpse into the lives of ordinary people who live extraordinarily.
"The Conservative party knows it needs to stay on the centre ground to have any chance of speaking to ordinary people's concerns, " Mr Clegg added.
When the French and Dutch voted against the EU constitution in 2005, Brussels officials muttered that it was nonsense to put the complex legalese of an EU treaty to ordinary people.
They were motivated by the lust to dominate other people and the fear of being ordinary.