At the age of 29 he embarked on an expedition to the South Pole that was unsupported -- a trek that required him to pull his own sleigh and that lacked medical support crews.
CNN: The polar explorer searching for green warriors
There were plenty of durable classics lying around -- like Kon-Tiki, the story of Thor Heyerdahls excursion across the Pacific on a raft, and The Worst Journey in the World, about Robert Falcon Scotts disastrous expedition to the South Pole.
FORBES: Voyage of discovery
Looking at ease, Prince William gazed adoringly at three-week-old Hugo Eric Scott as he spoke to his father, Sgt Paul 'Vic' Vicary, a serviceman who had taken part in an expedition to the South Pole.
Rediscovered photographs of Captain Robert Falcon Scott's expedition to the South Pole have gone on public display for the first time.
BBC: Captain Scott Antarctic photos shown in Cambridge