It means that if you're looking closely enough you may notice a little uptick in speed and overall performance, and we'd like to think that much of the improvement we saw is due to Motorola's decision to dress ICS with a lighter skin.
ENGADGET: Motorola ICS UI review: this isn't the Blur we used to know
They were too baffled to think of much, but the mayor enjoyed sitting in the shade of magnolias and drinking lemonade.
Whatever one thinks of the biggest corporate copyright owners, it is hard to think of much reason to celebrate when any country, even one with fewer than 100, 000 people, declares with WTO backing that it is suspending intellectual property rights protections within its borders for the creative output of millions of Americans.
FORBES: Will It Be Legal To Download 'Pirated' Music And Movies From Servers In Antigua?
The opposing school retorts that technology does not increase wages immediately, and some sorts of information technology seem to boost the returns to capital instead (think of how much more a dollar's worth of computing power can do these days).
ECONOMIST: Globalisation and the rise of inequality: Rich man, poor man | The
It took me a while (all of twelve hours) to realize what it was: for so much of my life, I have been physically oriented to think of the ocean as that thing to the East (the Atlantic) or the West (the Pacific) of me.
But I'd say also that it's not just Afghanistan, we have to think much more broadly in terms of the whole of the developing world.
BBC: News | BREAKFAST WITH FROST | President of the World Bank James Wolfensohn
No one says that these education programs should be free (though come to think of it the delivery of education can be done pretty much at no cost), but at least give these people a chance.
Nevertheless, most observers think they are unlikely to have much of an impact on the final outcome.
Interestingly, those students primed to think of God could endure much more discomfort and swilled twice as much sour juice.
WSJ: Jonah Lehrer on Religious Thoughts and Self-Control | Head Case
But thinking of genetics as a blueprint also makes it easier to think of DNA as being much more deterministic than it actually is.
"I've got to be honest I wasn't really interested in the fight, the guy was ranked 109 in the world, I didn't think it was going to be much of a match, but obviously it was, " he said.
"I don't want to change too much yet but I think he will introduce me to a lot of different things, " said Farah.
When I think of how much easier it was to invent new medicines a few decades ago, I usually mention the story of Roche chemist Leo Sternbach, who invented not only Valium but related drugs such as Klonopin and Librium.
And so to see how much of a bipartisan issue this will be, I think, depends on how much of it the Republican administration proposes to extend.
But when she took the idea to investors, they didn't think much of it.
Granted, the Grizzlies haven't had much time to think about the plight of their city.
Which sounds to us like they don't think much of the buying public, but whatever.
There is much to think about in this presentation of stock market valuations for luxury vs. daily goods producers in Japan.
FORBES: Whither Japan Stocks: Stable Staples; Losing Luxuries
That's where much of the focus will inevitably go instead of to what I think is far more important, and that is what blacks think about ourselves.
Mr Thaksin's enemies appear to think that none of this matters very much compared to the benefits of having levered their elected prime minister out of office, albeit by extra-democratic means.
ECONOMIST: When you tear up the rule book, democracy flounders
"It's hard to think of people that make that much money as labor heroes, but they're really betting the farm, " he says of the show-runners' decision to break studio contracts and walk off the job.
The regulators don't have to think too much about it. 30% of what you put in is going to come out as this ash of one sort or another and we know that's going to be contaminated before we start.
Carwyn (is) saying, 'look, that's not our agenda, we're going to try to make as much of a difference as we can and I think they're totally right to do it and I'm very proud of what they're doing.
"From an athletic point of view, I don't think he will add so much to the team but from a media and economic point of view, it's a great move for PSG and for the French league, " said Remi Dumont, a journalist with French football magazine Surface.
Most people agree that entrepreneurs have to think differently and take risks to have much chance of building a successful business.
The majority of forecasters expect it to continue to be weak - because they don't think there's much chance of a rapid economic recovery which pushes up domestic prices or wages, and because they think the new sources of energy coming on stream in the US and elsewhere will help keep a lid on the world price of oil and gas.
These are people who really don't think government has much of a role to play.
If people have to think about the cost of care, they are much more careful in what they choose.
We regret very much that we did not think to, of that, caused probably by our distress over Sisters sad death.
It becomes difficult for us to agree on what we think works, since so much of it is in the eye of the beholder.