Senator Arlen Specter has scheduled a Judiciary Committee hearing for a week from today.
This global network comprises of more than 10 000 educational institutions in 181 countries today.
Today, of course, the word paedophilia is a familiar term in the news lexicon.
Some, such as Synercid, which Aventis sold to King Pharmaceuticals today, are especially difficult to administer.
The town's population is about 15, 000 today, compared with about 4, 000 people in 1950.
The Dow, meanwhile, stood at 990.25 on Dec. 16, 1982, which would equate to 2, 120 today.
Today it is most well known as the birthplace of wartime Prime Minister Winston Churchill.
Today, the market is increasingly dominated by one player who is consolidating its dominance through acquisition.
We hope to meet our needs today, not so much to fulfill our dreams tomorrow.
The only real way to get high quality TV sound today is with an outboard solution.
In 2010, the group opened its Kopila Valley School, which today educates more than 350 students.
For TODAY, Gangel has reported around the world, from Europe to Africa to South America.
That news was first reported in Today's L.A. Times by Peter Spiegel, who's here now.
Today, about 20% of Australians are descendants of convicts, including plenty of prominent citizens.
Today the focus is on the future of Trident which probably Washington is less interested in.
She was kind enough to stop over in Studio 4A today with Russell Walden on piano.
She joins us here today in Studio 4A to perform and take your calls and emails.
Today it has several hundred, with scores of new ones on the drawing boards.
The New York Times, USA Today and national travel magazines covered the so-called event.
But today, only the Big Bend portion of the river can support the large crane population.
Today, 79% of American households own digital cameras, according to the Consumer Electronics Association.
CNN: In Facebook age, is camera-shyness a thing of the past?
The exceptional architecture of the settlement is visible, even today, on the remains of the structures.
Mr Mandelson and Mr Bayley were interviewed separately on BBC Radio 4's Today programme.
Most of the buildings visitors see today, though, date back to the 18th Century.
Today privately held Niagara has 1, 000 customers in California, Nevada and Arizona and employs 245 people.
Today, The Rite of Spring remains a classic, but it also still packs a punch.
Today, the drinking hole hosts bluegrass bands and displays the work of local painters.
Today Wambugu, who lives and works in Nairobi, faces a different sort of obstacle.
Now, six years later, where I am today surprises me as much as anyone else.
But today most travellers eschew the hefty tomes for online trip planners and smartphone apps.