Early the next morning in Bluff, Utah, we meet our tour guide, archaeologist Vaughn Hadenfeldt.
"Really, if it wasn't for Miami Vice, the tourists wouldn't be here, " said tour guide Michael Lynch.
Arriving in Colaba, Lindsay befriends a tour guide of his own, Prabhaker, who gives him the nickname Linbaba.
GARCIA-NAVARRO: Riad Mesti(ph) tapes up an advertisement he's written touting his services as a tour guide.
In English a tour guide was giving his version of the events 30 years ago.
Splurge on a private tour guide for the Vatican museums to avoid the hour-long lines outside.
As a frequent traveler herself, Bashir often found herself elected tour guide by her group of friends.
"Japan is selected as the most desired holiday place by the Swedish, " said tour guide Magnus Carlsson.
Tour guide Hussein Al-Ammari says an oil pipeline runs through the eastern part of the ancient city.
She got the idea for the company when she was a jeep tour guide in Sedona, Ariz.
Few people know their way around the club's Anfield home as well as tour guide Alan Herr.
During the bus ride from Beijing airport to the Shangri-La Hotel, the tour guide kept mentioning housing prices.
Author Finder is a well-versed tour guide to the business world, capable of mixing satire with insider lore.
As a renowned explorer, tour guide, archaeologist and volunteer firefighter, Vaughn knows the country and its stories better than anyone else.
Ms. Knight recently conducted a series of user studies at Carnegie Mellon casting Data as a campus tour guide.
WSJ: Heather Knight and Data: A Researcher and a Robot Walk Into a Bar... | Creating
The bus tour guide, during the ride from the Beijing airport to the Shangri-La hotel, kept mentioning house prices.
After a few minutes, the 21-year-old tour guide, Tom, stumbled to the door.
Tour guide Alistair Chisholm said he was "delighted" that plans were in place.
London 2012 chairman Lord Coe, tour guide for the inspection, said it was a "very busy and very productive" experience.
"Here is the first person to discover the terra-cotta soldiers, " barks a tour guide to a group of Hong Kong visitors.
Bon Deblois, a tour guide leading another hiking group, told GMA News television they heard a loud explosion before visibility was reduced.
Ly still works as a tour guide and estimates that at least 20 percent of her earnings go toward supporting the children.
Professor Apfel is now their official tour guide and mentor, using her unparalleled knowledge and connections to introduce students to the fashion industry.
" Iceland is probably one of the best places to see the northern lights, " said Reykjavik tour guide Arni Magnusson of AM Tours.
But our German tour guide acted like it was nothing unusual, and I decided it was better not to ask her why it happened.
Now he can play tour guide--a mordant commentator who wants us to know he finds this ritual, like so many other campaign rituals, faintly ridiculous.
And she also had a tour guide that was helping her out there as well, who I know about and who I've spoken with personally.
Yu found some work as a tour guide for a trickle of curious American Jews seeking what signs remained of the Jewish community in Shanghai.
"If the wok stays hot and the food is fresh there's very little chance of bacteria, " my friend Joann Khaw, a local walking tour guide, told me.
Cairo (CNN) -- Kidnappers in Egypt have released two Americans and their Egyptian tour guide after holding them hostage for three days, a security official said Monday.