Much of the tourist industry was opposed and a petition signed by more than 20, 000 opponents was gathered.
Others worry that whaling will hurt Iceland's image and thus harm its thriving tourist industry.
Analysts believe the final figure, including losses in the tourist industry, will be much higher.
They claimed the delay has allowed the tourist industry to get away without facing its responsibilities.
In the meantime the economy - apart from the tourist industry - has gone into freefall.
The republic is keen to develop its tourist industry and winter sports are particularly popular.
More than 1, 000 people were hospitalized in that outbreak and the tourist industry was temporarily crippled.
The benefits to the park, the wildlife, the local people and the tourist industry are already visible.
Things are now back to normal, but the small and fledgling tourist industry has yet to recover.
Any terrorist attack would badly hurt Kenya's already shaky tourist industry and may well deter foreign investors.
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The lucrative tourist industry in large areas of Wales was put on hold for much of last summer.
Tien says some exporters are already reporting canceled orders, while the tourist industry remains mired in a slump.
And the delegates discussed boosting the tourist industry by allowing more foreign investment in golf courses and marinas.
In 2008 UNESCO listed the temple as a World Heritage site, to the delight of Cambodia's tourist industry.
Arts festivals are a valuable part of the French tourist industry, attracting 900, 000 people across 650 events last year.
Tourist industry leaders said it had taken too long to replace the buildings but were "delighted" with the news.
Equally assured is the fact that Disneyland Hong Kong will bring a vital new element to the tourist industry.
Black firms in the tourist industry, one of the few sectors enjoying a modest boom, have made little impact.
Many of the plum jobs in the tourist industry already go to mainlanders.
Local officials say it's a pillar of the shoreline community's tourist industry, drawing customers to restaurants, motels and gift shops.
Today Egypt is peaceful, its prices are comparatively cheap, but its tourist industry, like its pharaonic temples, is in ruins.
Geddes said Kenyan authorities needed to take action -- quickly -- to protect tourists, and the country's valuable tourist industry.
He also urged the government to introduce interest-free loans for rural businesses damaged by the epidemic, notably the tourist industry.
He unveiled a plaque thanking the Cubans for their help in building the airport, which is vital to Grenada's tourist industry.
Activities on the site include cleaning the beach (mostly material left by a former tourist industry infrastructure), mangrove restoration and afforestation.
The obligation to pay more for work on Sundays is to be removed to make life easier for the tourist industry.
New Zealand needs The Hobbit for its tourist industry which caters to fans who want to see a bit of Middle Earth.
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But now with one of the world's largest new coal finds and a growing tourist industry, the capital city of Maputo is booming.
Magna opens at a time when many in the tourist industry are questioning whether such large-scale projects have enough visitors to go round.
Other sectors of the tourist industry - from hotels to shops and conventions - are also suffering as travellers opt to stay at home.