She kind of keeps toying with you, she had me guessing on a lot of shots.
Even more so, the driven media mogul loved toying with and trumping his competitors in deal-making.
And even Mr Pinault is rumoured to be toying with the idea of selling Christie's.
He's happiest inventing eccentric word combinations like a musical linguist toying with strange sounds.
Cameron had been toying with doing a 3-D version of Cleopatra with Angelina Jolie at Sony.
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You should have seen her toying with the old Bousque woman as if she were a child!
He's so enraged about the way Alcina has been toying with him that that he takes Bradamante's side.
In fashion, the designers Marc Jacobs and Phillip Lim, of late, have also been toying with dark eyeliners.
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He, or she, is a model to other cities that are toying with the idea of elected mayors.
The Dutch, indeed, are toying with the idea of holding an earlier special summit to soften him up.
The boss of Boeing's civil-jet business, Alan Mulally, is even toying with the idea of turning up in person.
Did you know MINI is toying with the idea of selling electric scooters?
Toying with Google's logo, created by independent graphic designer Ruth Kedar in 1998, is part of the company's culture.
Support for the VVD, which is toying with euroscepticism, is broadly holding up, but the CDA is losing ground.
Tired too are the themes of psychos toying with cops and recruiting proxies.
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The European Union has been toying with the idea of introducing a financial transaction tax for quite some time now.
FORBES: Just How Much Does A Financial Transaction Tax Hurt Europe's Banks?
And after toying with a couple of bad ideas, the delegates also managed to leave the constitution in good shape.
The company is also toying around with the idea of making smaller, cheaper tablets that are much more popular with consumers.
When should we daydream and go for a relaxing stroll, and when should we keep on sketching and toying with possibilities?
Hence the Congress government is toying with proposals for a new Tribal Bill that would give land rights to forest dwellers.
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It seems to enjoy toying with us mere mortals, and it seems to enjoy teaching us a little humility as well.
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Britain has been toying with this for years, ever since the inquiry into the Clapham rail crash in 1988 recommended it.
Egypt finished the game in style, passing the ball around beautifully and toying with a stretched and by now demoralised Cameroon side.
Schultz remains a highly visible chairman, toying with the company's music program and cheering on the Seattle Supersonics basketball team he owns.
As others before Obama have discovered, history has a habit of toying with the best laid, most well-intentioned plans of American presidents.
Kasparov must have felt as though the machine were toying with him.
While some companies are letting customers create their marketing, others are toying with letting them decide when to be marketed to--and by whom.
Celtic were toying with the visitors, whose confidence had utterly evaporated, leaving a question mark over the future of under-pressure Aberdeen manager Mark McGhee.
He told the programme that the British establishment was "toying with the idea of trying to distract everyone with these bread and circuses" from the economic downturn.
The Administration is toying with the idea of permitting people to have up to 4 percentage points of that payroll tax go into personal accounts.