One solution to the inefficient payment process with manufacturers, specifically around their trade payables, is the creation of formalized trade payable financing programs, and these programs are starting to become more popular.
So we're going to strike a better balance with sensible regulations that unleash trade and job creation, while still protecting public health and safety.
The group will help companies trade technologies and promote the creation of 3-D entertainment, e-shopping and other applications.
Firstly, the economy has long been geared to exports, through the creation of special trade zones and subsidies offered by local governments.
Advances in technology and the growing reach of the Internet, including the appearance of online broker E-Trade, begged for the creation of new financial products.
Creation impels us to trade the fruits of our gifts, to realize our potential.
In addition to the new peace plan, Bush will also discuss his proposal for creation of a free trade zone between the United States and the Middle East, Rice said.
Another worry: It could be that the creation of a fair trade market depresses demand for coffee from all the other sources, causing wages to fall in that end of the business.
Mr Bush came to power last year a committed free-trader: he envisages the creation of a Free Trade Area of the Americas, building on the North American Free-Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and stretching from Canada to Chile.
But what I can tell you is the ones -- the actions that the Congress has taken that help economic growth and job creation, like the free trade agreements, like patent reform, are things that the President agrees with and has signed into law, or put a signature to in terms of the free trade agreements.
The creation and steady expansion of the free trade European Union of 27 countries is a fundamental reason for the region's return to at least limited growth.
This does reflect the vision -- the large vision -- that you have for continental trade and security, and your commitment to the creation of jobs and growth.
He pointed to the creation of a voluntary code of practice by trade associations, but said a compulsory registration scheme would simply regulate those in least need "while the cowboy continued to operate".
Job creation, financial soundness, growth in industry and trade - these are equally important pointers to how an economy is doing.
Extending free trade has been one of APEC's consistent aims since its creation in 1989.
An extraordinary parliamentary session will then be called for September, ostensibly to pass a bunch of job-creation and company-restructuring proposals that the Ministry of International Trade and Industry is beavering away on.
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But it's fair to say that the trade ties between Germany and its euro partners, which helped drive the creation of the single currency in the first place, are not nearly as strong as they were 10 years ago.
"Of course printing money is going to support asset prices, " but "it's very dangerous" and is not a substitute for trade, tax and regulatory reforms that make America an attractive place for job creation.
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If they are smart, they will look for a candidate who can run hard and smart as a populist critic of free trade and big-bank bailouts and a supporter of smart investments in job creation.
Because with over a billion dollars in trade crossing the border every single day, smarter border management is key to our competitiveness, our job creation, and my goal of doubling U.S. exports.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Prime Minister Harper Press Conference | The White House
The most important outcomes were the creation of the first international network of managers of sites and itineraries of memory related to the slave trade and slavery and guidelines for the elaboration of a guide and training modules to reinforce the capacity managers and places of memory.