The training instructor pleaded guilty in February to a charge of bribery, the agency said.
The 27-year-old, who was a physical training instructor with the Parachute Regiment, was diagnosed with cancer in September 1999.
The left-hander made 29 pitches during Saturday's session, which was watched by several team officials including pitching coach Larry Rothschild and spring training instructor Billy Connors.
She has also started training as an instructor under the guidance of the school.
Hang gliding is not regulated in the UK but is conducted under the supervision of the BHPA, which oversees pilot and instructor training standards.
Michael Philip Jagger was the son of Joe Jagger, a physical education instructor at a teacher training college, and Eva, a hairdresser who had grown up in Australia.
CNN: Rolling Stones celebrate 50 years of raucous rock'n'roll
Ms. Rabinovich, 37, is training to get certified as a yoga instructor.
At the convention, which about 2, 000 people attended, Ms. Rabinovich took a day-long yoga class from a well-known instructor and met other women training to become instructors.
One training program developed by former Top Gun instructor Tom Lang we have run is a one-day course intended to teach college students or others without any U .
After begrudgingly doing laborious chores for his karate instructor, he discovers that he had been training all along.
Reinvent yourself to meet a modern market: If you are a paid technical instructor and your classes are shrinking, offer training over the internet.
Mulligan's driving instructor, Jerry Thielemann of Freedom and Mobility Driver Training and Evaluation in Marietta, Georgia, experienced that firsthand.
Instructor Steven Lewis, 38, made a mayday call 20 minutes into the training flight from Blackpool Airport.
The autopilot version is best for people without any pilot experience, with the instructor periodically handing over one or two of the controls, but guests who do have some training as amateur pilots can take advantage of the manual mode.
And during race-relations training in August -- set up in response to the first incident -- a white female civil rights instructor found a small noose in her office at the academy in New London, Connecticut.