After a tense few minutes, the elephant rejoins the rest of the herd, trampling through bulrushes nearby.
Each T-shirt she saw was a specific small trampling of her fantasy, and hence, pleasure.
BBC: News | NEWSNIGHT | Jonathan Franzen interview transcript
The only thing that might harm the fungus itself is the trampling of too many human feet.
This would have respected creditor hierarchy and, by not trampling on deposit insurance, honored the rule of law.
FORBES: How To Really Bail Out Cyprus: Take It All From The Large Depositors
The council said moveable boardwalks would be used to control the levels of trampling by people accessing the beach.
The first exhibits are sarcophagi decorated with mounted Roman soldiers trampling half-naked Barbarians.
Will it spur Congressional hearings on new legislation to prevent Schwab and the rest of Wall Street from trampling on investor rights?
FORBES: Small Investors Smacked Down, One More Time, in Schwab Ruling
Nor has the centre in fact been exactly trampling down its brood.
No different than retail shoppers at the wee hours of the morning on Black Friday trampling one another, VCs have become herd-following zombies.
The 3, 000 reindeer are trampling native plants, causing erosion and endangering king penguins and other local birds by destroying their nests and habitat.
That outcome, however, was based on certain assumptions which Mr Netanyahu, since he came to power last year, has been busily trampling on.
The cows also caused consternation by leaving cowpats on garden paths and trampling over lawns in the incident at the end of last week.
The tops are designed to rotate, although trampling through the flowerbeds to touch the art is not sanctioned by the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation.
Penney is in the process of trampling on its reputation.
FORBES: J.C.Penney Tramples on Liz Claiborne and Misses a Great Opportunity
Long-time observers see the Bonn meeting as a last chance to create a central authority that gives the country coherence without repression and modernises without trampling traditional ways of life.
At the time of the acquisition, Mr Sarrazin and his side-kicks were desperate to reassure Kleinwort that heavy Teutonic boots would not be trampling all over their precious merchant bank.
Plus, it has a slower, dreamier pace than Penn Station, perhaps because the sort of person who takes the bus has long given up on trampling his fellows in an effort to get ahead.
As if she were proud of having her heart trampled by him: as if her openness to this trampling were the main thing, maybe the only thing, she cared to have the world know about.
Never mind clawing back the bonuses, these executives should be trampling over each other to voluntarily return at least a portion, if not all, of the incentives they earned for a fair number of years prior to the debacle in 2008.
Finally, there is the overarching truth (indeed, requirement) that in a system of true free-market capitalism, two parties enter into a transaction only when they are both made better off, while at the same time not trampling the rights of a third party.