How freeing it was, these days, to travel alone, with only a single suitcase to check.
The council said that business travel alone created 40 million new jobs between 2000 and 2007.
She said she would return to India, but was "never going to travel alone again".
Most are relatively affluent, independent women who need to travel alone a lot.
Employees are forbidden to be on the roadways at night or travel alone, says Mathews, an affable 48-year-old from New Zealand, where he surfed and played rugby.
Without assurances that her husband would be immune from prosecution, Ms Purdy insisted her only option was to die in Switzerland while still physically able to travel alone.
Human-sized, it has an expressive face, two robotic arms and an omnidirectional platform, allowing it to travel alone, avoid obstacles, navigate in its environment and especially interact with people and objects.
As they travel alone together for the first time in eight years of childless marriage, their festering estrangement, from each other and from their comfortable way of life, bursts into open conflict.
Cisco claims that its system pays for itself within six months on average through lower business-travel costs alone.
And more than a third reported experiencing health and safety problems in the workplace - having to travel home alone late at night because employers did not provide transport was the most common complaint.
Gibbons are at home in the high canopy of tropical forests, but they are relatively heavy and the gaps between trees are too large to travel by swinging alone.
The report says the federation did not expect staff to travel or stay there alone as the centre was "quite isolated".
The Volt, as conceived, could travel 40 miles on electricity alone, but 640 miles before it needed a trip to a gas station.
Amtrak said 115, 000 people are expected to travel the rail lines on Wednesday alone.
As a consultant and professional speaker, I often travel by myself and frequently dine alone.
She had originally planned to travel with a friend but ended up traveling alone when her friend canceled.
Twenty years ago it was a run-down city in a developing country which barely registered on the economic Richter scale, let alone as a global hub for air travel.
As you travel through its canyons, it's easy to forget that nature even exists, let alone that we're part of it.