There are 2, 470, 000 civil servants in local government, costing JPY 24 trillion a year.
The feds will probably run deficits in excess of a trillion a year even if they make those cuts.
At the same time, old age pension, medical, and nursing welfare costs are growing at JPY 1 trillion a year.
The total number of passenger miles increased from under 1.5 trillion a year in 1980 to 2.4 trillion in 1995.
It was demonstrated with his 2012 budget proposal, a trillion -- a more than a trillion dollars in deficit reduction.
Assuming an average of JPY 8 trillion a year over 20 years, the bank calculates an annual final demand boost of JPY 10.4 trillion.
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Furthermore he wants us to also have faith that the Obama administration can grow the economy so that the deficit sooner rather then later drops to what he considers a sustainable half a trillion a year.
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The Federal Reserve continues to assert its intention to purchase a trillion dollars of Treasury securities and mortgages, adding a trillion dollars to its portfolio and stuffing a trillion dollars of new liquidity into the banking system, until the unemployment rate falls below 6.5% or inflation breaks out.
The federal deficit is likely to average a trillion dollars a year over the next decade.
It has to import less and export more to the tune of half a trillion dollars a year.
To give you some sense of perspective, our entire defense budget is about half a trillion dollars a year.
America spends half a trillion dollars a year on public schools, and virtually nothing on how to change them.
Match that with capital, and those extra years in the workforce could mean significant gains in economic output, perhaps a trillion dollars a year.
Well, if that's true, then bonuses, as I read the math correctly, would take out nearly a trillion and a half dollars in lending.
The forgone revenue from these benefits is currently costing more than a trillion dollars a year, approximately 40% of the annual revenue currently collected by the federal government.
The square of a trillion is a very large number.
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If innovation is something akin to pooling the most amount of cash on the books (around a trillion and a half dollars in market cap), then yeah, Silicon Valley is the mecca.
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The whole of subprime mortgages--what do I know, I'm just sitting there reading the newspaper--but subprime mortgages went from virtually nothing to close to a trillion and a half dollars in the space of maybe two and a half years.
We need to remember that provisions related to the Fiscal Cliff were enacted so the federal government could start getting control of its deficits which have been running at more than a trillion dollars a year (around 40% of the annual budget).
We're spending so much more on health care in America than anybody else spends--up to a half a trillion dollars a year in excess spending, most of which comes out of the pocket of premium payers without them knowing what they're paying.
One is to achieve spending "savings" by double counting a trillion dollars over 10 years that has been already "cut, " "returning" almost a trillion dollars the United States will not spend on wars, and then adding a large tax increase, supposed interest savings, and some token program cuts.
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One of the other forecasts that the CBO had was an estimate the deficit would remain above a trillion dollars in 2012, which would make it the fourth consecutive year of being above a trillion dollars.
If Obama Care costs over a trillion and its direct taxes and penalties are a half trillion, and it somehow reduces the deficit (as the CBO claims), there must be hidden in Obama Care another half trillion in taxes or other gimmicks that end up being paid by the middle class.
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"He's promising a trillion-dollar tax cut and a trip to Mars... and he has a half-trillion-dollar deficit, " said Democratic presidential hopeful Howard Dean.
After all, we don't have a trillion dollars in a bank account somewhere.
The Olympic movement has a trillion minor and a dozen major sponsors worldwide.
So it seems that a trillion euro is a lot of money after all because it is basically being wasted.
The delivery would need a trillion bits, a terabit, per second.
From 2003 to 2007, the primary balance deficit was reduced from JPY 28 trillion to JPY 6 trillion, a reduction of JPY 22 trillion, equivalent to increasing the consumption tax by 9 percentage points.