Number 2: Social media will simply bring viruses and Trojan horses into your network.
Unlike Shields Up, Security Check also scans for approximately 60 Trojan horses, which are malicious programs masquerading as other applications that you might unwittingly download.
The methodologies employed in these wide spread attacks is typically the combination of new vulnerabilities and custom Trojan horses delivered over the web or through email.
But no matter how good your antivirus program is, if you open a suspect email, you make yourself vulnerable to Trojan horses that steal email and bank-access information.
Security analysts say they've already seen all of the major online threats -- Trojan horses, viruses, worms -- spreading on smartphones, often through e-mail attachments sent to the phones.
If we consider a virus to be the transport mechanism only, we will likely see payloads that we would identify as time and logic bombs, buffer overflow exploits, and Trojan horses.
Among 2, 500 firms surveyed last summer, 88% had antiviral software in place, yet an even larger percentage were infected by viruses, worms, Trojan horses or other "malware, " says Information Security magazine.
Of 2, 500 companies surveyed last summer, 88% had antiviral software in place, yet an even larger percentage were infected by viruses, worms, Trojan horses or other "malware, " says Information Security magazine.
Sites that exploit browser security holes to install software (such as malware, spyware, viruses, adware and Trojan horses) are in violation of our quality guidelines and may be removed from Google's index.
Four out of five of them had been attacked by Trojan horses that sniffed out confidential information by logging keystrokes, recording internet sites visited, and reporting the findings to a third party.
Sir Norman Bettison from the Association of Chief Police Officers, who, when asked if community projects are being used as "Trojan horses" to gather information, told the programme there was "no dedicated intelligence gathering" as part of the Prevent community work.