The futuristic edifice is to feature a honeycomb roof billed as an architectural innovation tailored for the tropical climate.
Moderating the tropical climate of the region, it presents one of the best examples of the monsoon system in the planet.
Southern India's tropical climate invites use of coconut milk in recipes, while near the snow-topped Himalayas, you're not likely to find coconuts in the cuisine.
UNESCO's Office in Phnom Penh will assist the Museum in the preservation of the originals in danger of destruction, mainly because of the tropical climate.
The company could also strategically launch more specific tissue products (such as car tissues, summer tissues with enhanced sweat absorbent properties for the tropical climate, etc).
The EU's largest economy has long been an ardent proponent of renewable subsidies, to the extent that even with its less than tropical climate, it accounts for nearly half the bloc's installed solar power capacity.
Every island had its own character and superlatives, but each was linked by unfailing friendliness, the gentle lilt of the Hawaiian ukulele, a tropical climate that generally steadied between 80F and 88F, and a never-ending series of achingly beautiful sunsets.
Nothing can disguise the problems facing a new orchestra of foreigners playing to an unsophisticated audience in an 864-seat concert hall (a standard hall seats about 2, 500), at the mercy of a single corporate sponsor (the state oil company, Petronas), and in a tropical climate that makes instruments come unglued.
The job description requires Mr Southall "to explore the islands of the Great Barrier Reef, swim, snorkel, make friends with the locals and generally enjoy the tropical Queensland climate and lifestyle".
Utah also has among the fastest growing senior population but beware the climate is anything but tropical.
Glaciers of the tropical Andes, indicators of the global climate variability.
She blamed the coughing fit on the change of climate from a Spanish winter to the tropical warmth of Colombia.
Future climate change could change the profile of tropical forests, with possible consequences for carbon storage and biodiversity, a study says.
The on-going loss of tropical forests, and the implications that has for climate change, biodiversity, rural livelihoods and water supplies illustrates the reason why environmental groups are still very much needed, despite the successes of the past.
This remains a very real concern, with much of the world suffering from increasing water scarcity, land erosion, drought intensity, stalled progress on crop productivity, declining groundwater aquifers, over-grazing of pasturelands, tropical deforestation, massive species extinction, over-fishing, and anthropogenic climate-change.
Mountain regions, particularly in tropical regions where they are prime human habitat, are increasingly threatened by climate change, demographic pressure, and economic development that in many cases lead to resource depletion and degradation, hindering the provision of critical goods and services to both mountain inhabitants and lowland communities.
And in a paper published two years ago in Geophysical Research Letters, Sandrine Bony and Jean-Louis Dufresne reported that an analysis of 15 climate models suggested that low-level clouds over the oceans contribute most to uncertainty about how tropical clouds affect those models.