On the second of two trips to Congo, he fell sick with a tropical disease and died.
They risk not only returning with a tropical disease but, more and more often, with one that cannot be treated.
Novartis put its Institute for Tropical Disease at Biopolis in 2004.
The occupiers improved the infrastructure and tackled tropical disease.
Shortly after the show opened, I received a letter from Dr. Howard Rusk, founder of the Rusk Institute, complaining that I had maligned Puerto Rico in the verse, that in fact the island had a very low incidence of tropical disease.
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It is indeed an irony that, in the area of tropical disease, the wicked drug firms have discovered the value of not-for-profit business at precisely the point when governments are contemplating the idea that the best way forward is the use of incentives more attuned to red-in-tooth-and-claw capitalism.
Unfortunately, this variety, planted in hundreds of millions of acres in Central America, fell prey to a disease, Tropical Race One.
U.N. scientific experts say a warmer world is likely to spread disease in tropical regions, cause sea levels to rise and increase the rate of severe storms.
The last century saw deployment of anti-malarial drugs and a range of control measures, from marsh drainage to insecticides to bednets, across the tropical regions that are the disease's hinterlands.
Africa's year-round tropical temperatures offer no winter to freeze off disease cycles, so each year nearly half the sweet potato crop fails.
Now, however, a new strain of the Race disease, the soil-born fungus Tropical Race Four, is making its way through the banana fields of the world, leaving devastation in its tracks.
The disease is so heavily concentrated in the poorest tropical countries, and overwhelmingly in sub-Saharan Africa, that nobody even bothers to keep an accurate count of clinical cases or deaths.
However, Simon Cousens, an epidemiologist at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, points out that such a pattern does not necessarily mean a disease outbreak is levelling off.
In the tropical forests of the island, just south of the equator, 37, 000 Japanese troops died from disease and starvation during the second world war.