Golzernsee itself is a small alpine lake in a glacial trough, perfect for summer swims and picnics.
The analyst says the stock is trading at 12x pro forma EPS, near a trough valuation.
Then, trough an interpreter, the Iraqi commander said he wanted to get out of there.
It's been 15 quarters since the economy hit its recession trough in June 2009.
The worst, in the early 1980s, saw a peak-to-trough decline in output of 6%.
Since 2000, Japan has drilled nearly three dozen exploratory well holes in the Nankai Trough.
This time, the average quarterly growth rate since the trough of the recession has been 0.35%.
To put this fact into context, the entire peak-to-trough contraction in the 2001 recession was 1.3%!
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The first chart plots the year-over-year rate of change in TMS2, cycle trough to trough.
The old guard of hanger-ons and consultants once again line up at the trough.
The NBER determined the recession, which began in December 2007, hit its trough in June 2009.
First, there are some signs that the East Asian economies may be approaching their trough.
BP's share price continued to rise from the trough it hit in late June.
Peak falls on trough to create a core of darkness along the lens's central axis.
There's also a trough for latching on an external battery or LCD touchscreen BacPac.
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When troubled assets are dumped, or when defaults occur during weak market conditions, the trough is deepened.
But Google too had been through a trough just before, after the failures of Wave and Buzz.
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The large vice squeezes down upon the cheese, and the apple juice drips to the trough below.
They were photographed in September 1998 in Chasma Boreale, a giant trough at Mars' north polar cap.
Pessimists point to 1931-35, when dividends per share in America fell by 45% from peak to trough.
Existing home sales and housing starts, they're going to reach a trough maybe in the third quarter of this year.
Slowly rotating on water-powered, aluminum A-frames, the vegetables pass through a trough of water every eight hours.
Yet anyone who has owned stocks in the past few years has fed at the trough of Bernanke.
The result has been a 78% rally in ten-year government bonds since their trough in 1990 (see chart).
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My hunch is that trough gardening might just displace the now-ubiquitous terrarium in the hierarchy of green trends.
Furthermore, its total investment costs compared to traditional parabolic trough technology are much less, according to the company.
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The wide gap is a sign that the A shares soon might find a trough, Mr. Garner says.
Next, he uses a v-chisel to make a trough around the circle, leaving a silver dollar sized center.
Second, lobbyists, contractors, and interest groups have figured out how to get lucrative positions at the federal trough.
The study found that the relative peak to trough return of the average of the conflict countries was -47%.
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