Following that he wrote, produced and directed Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991), True Lies (1994), Titanic (1997), and Avatar (2009).
In his statement, Mr Schwarzenegger said Weider had supported him throughout his career, which has included films like The Terminator, Total Recall and True Lies, and even when he made the move into politics.
In chi running, as in t'ai chi, Dreyer says the "center" is where true power lies.
The true challenge lies in cutting ourselves off from something that everyone else still depends on.
The company would like everyone to believe that its Super Bowl Command Center has that type of power, but understands where its true value lies.
FORBES: Super Bowl Social Command Center Tracks Chatter And Sentiment Surrounding 49ers And Ravens
Maine lobsters' true distinction lies in the way they are caught.
But her true greatness lies in how, using a mountain of facts carefully gathered and presented, she could explain to a bewildered and anxious middle class the great economic question of her age.
However, we think this is only the case if the significant other lives with the patient and is with them in a daily basis, and that this is where the true benefit lies.
The Bank Mandiri accounts allow the overseas workers to deposit their pay back home and get help with their finances, but their true value lies in the future, says Riza Zulkifli, senior vice president of retail for the bank.
FORBES: Billionaire Ciputra Trains Indonesian Migrant Workers to Be their Own Boss
While their true greatness now lies in the albums - most notably Sgt Pepper and Revolver - the singles are every bit as crucial.
That prosperity did not change us as much as education could: there lies the true misery of it.
In the Information Age, the true wealth of nations lies in people's ability to create, to communicate, to innovate.
His true passion however, lies in pencil and paper, and a tablet computer.
Herein lies a true substantive difference: While all Democrats agree the agency needs to be reformed, they differ on how best to do it.
There is evil in the world, but it can be overcome through repentance and aspiration, and therein lies the true meaning and adventure of life.
FORBES: Thoughts on the Business of Repentance, Yom Kippur and Dephlogistication
If the source of defamatory information about you (false information that reflects badly upon you) confirms that the information is true, your remedy lies against the source.
Far from complaining about their lack of economic levers, politicians need to recognize the importance of the supply-side powers they do possess: The true role of politicians lies in the micro, not the macro.
Most archaeologists would insist the true value of their work lies away from the glamour of kings and nobles and with the lives of the ordinary people of the past.
According to Myles Peyton, UK Sales Director at tech firm Total Immersion, the true commercial power of augmented reality lies in its ability to let consumers virtually hold and interact with products that are fully and accurately modelled in the virtual world.
Despite this added effort from Obama around the housing crisis, the true battleground for this regenerative housing policy lies with the House.
FORBES: Obama Expands Refinancing Plan to Help More Homeowners
The key to achieving true business value, Wang added, lies in the ability of a company to exploit its cloud apps not just within a narrow departmental silo but across functional units enterprise-wide.
The true measure of Microsoft's market power lies in the lack of competitive pressure to fix the flaws in its products.
In true Valve fashion, their approach to tackling those challenges lies in iteration and openness.
Because anything that expands geometrically will quickly fill up the entire universe, a true Ponzi scheme requires that its nature be concealed via lies.
FORBES: Why Do The Economic Proposals Of Perry, Romney And Cain Terrify Liberals?
It is true that many biases still exist, but perhaps the most difficult obstacle for women lies within our own belief system.
The movie is in fact remarkably true to the darkness and chafing disgust of the novel, and that fidelity is where the problem lies.
Panorama View 3D provides true 3D elevation views obtained from NASA's height and terrain data enable intuitive orientation and show users what lies ahead.
ENGADGET: Garmin, Navigon GPS apps now consider mass transit, remember where we parked