He added that he understood the assembly government's own trunk road department had expressed similar concerns.
The Kessock Bridge carries the A9 trunk road across the Beauly Firth close to Inverness.
Mr Hammond said the Hindead Tunnel was one of the missing links in Britain's trunk road network.
The minister ordered an immediate review into why the trunk road was so badly affected by November's downpours.
BBC: A55 north Wales: ?3m to keep bottleneck open near Bangor
Officers added that an action plan was in place to keep the A38 trunk road in the area open.
Protestors against the development of the A494 trunk road near Queensferry, have welcomed the decision by Enterprise Minster Andrew Davies.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | North East Wales | Public inquiry over road widening
The Kessock Bridge, which opened to traffic in 1982, carries the A9 dual carriageway trunk road across the Beauly Firth.
BBC: Kessock Bridge roadworks: ?1.8m plan to ease disruption
As the bridges are part of the motorway and trunk road network, this would be the responsibility of the Welsh government.
BBC: Concern over Briton Ferry M4 and A48 bridge fall deaths
The supermarket is earmarked for a site in Machynlleth, but assembly government officials became involved because it is on a trunk road.
At that time, fuel duty would be cut as well and road charging introduced at 8p a kilometre for motorways and trunk road.
Mr Bain added that the road to the planned go-kart site was busy, and that it was close to the A9 trunk road.
For instance, it provides asphalt and road surfacing services for the Highways Agency trunk road network and it picks up rubble from demolition jobs.
Earlier several roads in Devon saw traffic at a standstill including the A38 trunk road at Haldon Hill and Telegraph Hill on the A380.
Plans for a multimillion-pound alteration to a trunk road junction and improvements to the centre of a North Yorkshire town are to go on display.
The gates are on the eastbound carriageway near Augill Beck which at 1, 400ft (426m), is one of the highest points along any trunk road in England.
It would also include downgrading the existing Huntingdon A14 viaduct from a trunk road and providing two new roads for local traffic between Trinity Foot and a new Girton interchange.
The pond restoration is being carried out by the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley AONB with European funding from the Countryside Council for Wales and the Trunk Road Agency's Biodiversity Fund.
BBC: Loggerheads Country Park: Mill waterwheel to turn again
For once, we believed that we would have what Hastings needed - and still needs - so badly, an infrastructure that would enhance people's lives and livelihoods, reduce environmental pollution and improve the health of those thousands of people who live on the A259 trunk road.
Most of the money will be spent on easing bottlenecks on the motorways and trunk-road network by widening 360 miles of road, roughly 5% of the total.
Except for some parts of the GT (Grand Trunk) road, some mountain tops and the circuit house in Mingora, all of Swat is under the control of the Taliban.
Across the road from his new house stands a tall ginkgo with a split trunk.