Visitors start their hike in lush, grassy valleys, trekking past thick bamboo trunks and babbling brooks.
The elephants seem to be wary of getting bitten on the soft undersides of their trunks.
To date, Nair and Davin have purchased scores of trunks at auctions and at flea markets.
We know how easily these splendid woodpeckers hop around tree trunks to stay out of sight.
After we finished oogling the vintage trunks, we went to see the new ones.
Together they sewed woollen panels over pieces of public art, fences, benches and even tree trunks.
Called HDI trees, these graphics show overall HDI scores as trunks and individual measures as leaves.
Kon-Tiki itself was made of nine balsa would tree trunks lashed together with hemp rope.
It developed black wings, so that it was invisible when it settled on soot-covered tree trunks.
Yet the silence around him was filled with chairs, tables, animals, trunks and escalators.
The oldest trees with the fattest trunks nest hostel-huts built about five years ago fitting up to six people.
In between the villages, the slopes are covered in rhododendrons and the peeling, papery trunks of silver birch trees.
Surely an intelligent designer would have put the rainforest canopy somewhat lower, and saved on tree trunks?
Cars lined the roads leading to the university, many with fuzzy yellow-and-black Tiger tails hanging from their trunks.
The third-generation Vuittons, Gaston-Louis, Pierre and Jean, played their role as designers of trunks for cars and airplanes.
These days, pines and blackjack oaks with trunks "as thick as a man's leg" dot the fairways, Harris said.
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Some are more than 1, 200 years old, with trunks more than 4m across.
Trunks to hold something as simple as a hat to something as layered and complicated as a stereo system.
FORBES: Louis Vuitton Puts A New Spin To Luxury Travel With Objets Nomades
When elephants want to assess a situation, they lift their trunks into a so-called snorkel maneuver, says Mr. Malugu.
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Trunks with individual shoe compartments or equipped with a safe for precious jewels.
FORBES: Louis Vuitton Puts A New Spin To Luxury Travel With Objets Nomades
Trails are usually well signposted, sometimes with symbols quaintly painted on tree trunks.
He contracted to have some of the live oak trunks turned into sculptures.
But their trunks took the brunt of the shock from the high-tension wire.
The show trunks, suitcases, the sound equipment were all tumbled in a heap.
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The structure is so sturdy that Brinker and his students left mammalian cells in broiling car trunks without any damage.
It's like a presidential motorcade if the motorcade were made out of elephants, with their trunks grabbing each other's tails.
Vuitton also made some of the first specified trunks, like the compartment trunk, the bed trunk, and the watertight trunk.
The effect, reported in Science, is similar to the action of muscles found in elephant trunks and squid tentacles.
Elephants, which pull down trees with their trunks to reach the leaves, can turn lush vegetation into a deathly wilderness.
The next day, two men loaded the trunks onto a horse-drawn cart and carried them away to the Old City.