The first two legs of the slam turned out to be a pleasurable breeze.
If the claims turned out to be true, they would not be without precedent.
He foolishly got involved with a woman who, along with her husband, turned out to be a blackmailer.
It turned out that he was to present my plan to top operations execs.
FORBES: Congress Motivated By Fear, Incompetence... Just Like Big Business!
Hundreds of well wishers turned out to welcome home Manchester's Olympic and Paralympic heroes.
He turned out perfectly fine -- he had been getting oxygen through the umbilical cord.
"We checked out many targets and nothing turned out to be airplane wreckage, " said Mr. Gillespie.
Designed to encourage people to save and invest, they have turned out to be hugely popular.
The story later turned out to be false and was retracted by the magazine.
As it turned out, Donahue and Collier, the slain officer, graduated from the police academy together.
Part Manti Te'o's inspirational story turned out to be the result of an elaborate hoax.
But applying that technology on a larger scale turned out to be more complicated.
Then it turned out to cause heart attacks and deaths in a giant trial.
Maybe she absolutely never had a doubt, even though she turned out to be wrong.
It was Christmas Eve, and the entire village had turned out to watch the hunters depart.
Jerry Brown turned out to be of a very different political hue than his father.
When it turned out to be six times higher than normal, his doctor diagnosed adult-onset diabetes.
As it turned out, the emails presented by the prosecution were not enough to convict.
This time, it turned out, Jerry was not coming to New York on business.
As it turned out, a longtime trusted adviser was, as I dubbed him, a mini- Madoff.
They turned out to be company security personnel, monitoring the board meeting to prevent eavesdropping.
It turned out to be the result of lung cancer that had gone to his brain.
As it turned out, I dissented in those meetings and left it at that.
He finished with a bogey-6 initially and signed what turned out to be an incorrect scorecard.
FORBES: Tiger Woods' Penalty Should Have Been Assessed On The Spot Or Not At All
He performed a biopsy to remove the nodule, which turned out to be benign.
March 2000 turned out to be the peak, when the Nasdaq briefly went over 5, 000.
And yet, for the rest of the eurozone it turned out to matter quite a lot.
In practice, most advisers have turned out to be former ambassadors and technocrats, not ideologues.
Even some of those who didn't support Obama's November re-election turned out to watch.
This turned out to be a distance of twenty-six miles three hundred and eighty-five yards.