Yet though he spouts a torrent of words in staccato twang, Perot holds back a lot.
Lay will put on a folksy show, maybe using a bit more twang than colleagues remember.
"Fundamentals couldn't be any better, " he says in the slow twang of his native Oklahoma.
In fact, she can't understand the fuss that's being made of her Scottish twang.
When I ask Luol about his own Chicagoan twang he explains why he lost the British accent.
And if you have a techie-inclined mind, you're probably prowling for gifts with a real science twang.
"The reason doesn't talk revenue is it's embarrassing for them, " Levy says in a Florida twang.
Dondero's idea of torch and twang is to dance with his own demons as he transverses the country.
She was a big-boned blonde of thirty-seven, with a raw complexion, an Appalachian twang, and a forthright, vulnerable manner.
The track "Out of Goodbyes" finds the band trying on a country twang with some help from Lady Antebellum.
It is precisely that chord which France's game-shooting enthusiasts also seek to twang.
In the visitation room, the woman held a phone and spoke to her husband in Spanglish with a country twang.
"I have made a concerted effort to speak with as little 'western twang' in my accent as possible, " she revealed.
CNN: Regional accents thrive in U.S. -- but is that a good thing?
The random twang of jaw harp underscores a shuffling, shimmying two-step, with each hip thrust drawing the listener in closer.
Then, I asked myself, was that Keith Urban, the country singer with the beautiful twang that my ex use to love?
He sauntered around the campaign office in his Texas boots, cracking jokes in his tequila-sharp twang and earning a reputation for temper.
She said she told her two children that they will remember Kyle's silly side, Texas twang and the prayers they prayed together.
Microsoft's lawyer, John Warden, is an earthy figure with a bit a southern twang who peppers his folksy zingers with Latinate legalese.
The twerp with the IPO has yet to feel the twang of arthritis, buy his first pair of reading glasses or suffer his first sigmoidoscopy.
On the new set, Allman's signature twang evolves rapidly from rural flavoring (Franklin's "It Ain't Fair") to dominant blues ingredient (Ronnie Hawkins's "Sick and Tired").
"I hope that when others hear me speak, they hear me, not my western twang, " writes iReporter Sarah Beth Boynton, who was raised in Salt Lake City.
CNN: Regional accents thrive in U.S. -- but is that a good thing?
Each time I boarded the plane to New York City for meetings, I would subconsciously tone down the southern twang, walk a bit faster and wear more black.
Los Angeles may not sound like home for a country-rocker, and for many years, country music only represented a minor twang in the music of the punk band X.
Reilley, who grew up in Oklahoma and still has a slight twang of an accent, didn't exactly inherit a smoothly running ship when he left DuPont in 2000 for Praxair.
They have suspected for a while that the older survey methods were biased, and that the inflation thus produced was tolerated because it helped twang the heart-strings of potential donors.
"We have very selfish reasons for wanting to be a role model, " Chambers says, his cheery West Virginia twang infected with a bit of swagger and a ton of iron-will certainty.
But, retaining his Glasgow twang, he is back as a late call-up to the Danish squad and has urged the Scottish fans and media to take a longer-term view of manager Vogts' progress.
Then I heard music coming from the direction of the main port, at first only the stuttering beat of bass notes, then, as I walked toward the music, the Turkic twang of a bouzouki.
Oddly, it did once exist in that form: in the first trailer, shown months ago, which featured no talking at all, and no shouting, either just a silent montage of mayhem, overlaid with the twang of a plaintive electro-soundtrack.