The referendum choices include two options for change and one to maintain the status quo.
The choices include two options for change and one to maintain the status quo.
BBC: Jersey voters urged to register before reform referendum
The original referendum proposition sets out three questions including two options for change and one to maintain the status quo.
On 20 February, States members voted 37-12 to hold the referendum, which sets out three questions including two options for change and one to maintain the status quo including a planned reduction in the number of senators.
Of course her status, too, will change after one or two more successful movies.
If the Lebanese are, by the rough tally of crowd sizes, two-to-one in favour of change, the media greatly amplify this advantage.
However, at this week's meeting, there appears to have been no demand among clubs in Divisions One, Two and Three to change the current national league set-up at that level.
The particularity and high significance of this document lies in an eighteen month long collaboration of two different scientific communities: one on climate change (IPCC) and one on disaster risk reduction (ISDR).
When you delete your account, you have two weeks to change your mind (just in case one of those flings develops into a monogamous relationship).
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The Finding is based largely on two documents, with only one, Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States, pertaining directly to the U.S. This 188-page, 569-citation tome is the Big Kahuna.
At the other end of the spectrum is to - as one aide told me - change two words in the bill, you know, make a cosmetic change and send it back to him.
Butts said she has two goals for the future: One is to change the drowning statistics of minority children, and the other is to have an aquatic center where the children can swim daily instead of just once a week.
At the moment, most questions only get one or two responses, but that could change.
The world of cyber-security underwent a game-change last summer, when not one but two top tech writers were spectacularly hacked.
In parts of Puerto Rico, for example, there are places where researchers used to hear four species at once and they are now hearing one or two, a subtle but important change.
The Penguins took advantage of a poor Islanders' line change and galloped away on a two-on-one break, with Evgeni Malkin polishing off the rush by whipping a wrist shot past Nabokov at 7:17 of the second period.
Of the two candidates, McCain is arguably the one whose plan would change the health system the most.
And so I guess my two questions are, number one, what caused you to change and when did that take place?
Even with one or two seats, large investors can establish control and change the management.
It means three Liberal Democrats, two Tories and one Green make up the cabinet which is likely to change again after the May local elections.
This change could give customers the option of just buying one or two premium sports channels, rather than having to get them as part of a bundle of channels, as is currently the case with Sky and Virgin Media.
Dr Fisher said climate change could be worsening the impact of the disease in one of two ways.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Warming link to amphibian disease
This one-person dialogue enabled changers to take on two roles in their change process.
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Gerdes pointed out many instances when contamination could have occurred, including one in which Mazzola did not change her gloves between collection of two samples.
As a result, for every one-point national swing in votes between those two parties, fewer seats change hands.
Euroclear, one of Europe's two international clearers, thinks it is time to change.
Lining up money to build them have bedeviled one developer, who sold its two projects to buyers who decided to change the solar technology and as a result needed to secure new permits.
Yet the truth is: these two trends, one from the world of analytics, the other from the world of innovation and change, can be Big Data: water wordscape powerfully combined to drive sustainable success in a highly uncertain world.
The National Alliance for Change brings together the two former presidents Mr Buyoya deposed, Jean-Baptiste Bagaza and Sylvestre Ntibantunganya, one a Tutsi and one a Hutu.
One of his main aims, which Mr Zeman seems to share, is to change the electoral system to encourage a broadly two-party system to emerge, rather than the present one in which small parties tend to hold the ring.