Commit to using the DVD two or three times a week for the next two months.
Only two or three times have I been able to join a full four-person co-op.
Gilmore says he checked TweetMyJobs two or three times a week, searching for his ZIP code.
People recommended the film to their friends and even went to see it two or three times.
Others with fast-proliferating tumors would live longer with smaller doses of radiation two or three times a day.
His younger brother Dzhokhar rarely came, showing up just "two or three times" in roughly two years, Michael said.
We decided Yahoo was, say, only two or three times better than Lycos.
It's been the same two or three times, in Madrid, Milan, and now.
His shop is two or three times as big as the industry average.
FORBES: Granite Countertop Craze Has Cost U.S. More Than First Gulf War
Heads of departments often get only two or three times the average pay.
ECONOMIST: The biggest barrier to public- sector reform are the unions
Using anti-dandruff shampoos two or three times a week and over-the-counter anti-itching treatments such as Scalpicin usually relieves the problem.
As a child, Labaree said, she easily went back and forth between the towns two or three times a day.
But if you happen to live in Latvia, you probably know the 41-year-old Mr Zagars two or three times over.
Sometimes, he's had to empty the buckets two or three times a day to keep up with the flow, Grant said.
The chef, her face barely visible under her floppy white hat, stamped her foot, forward then back, two or three times, an impromptu metronome.
During peak season, from June to March, Purkayastha drives to the airport two or three times a week to pick up inventory.
Aryeh Zelnik nodded two or three times, and scratched the back of his left hand with the nails of his right hand.
They have only, like, talked two or three times to each other.
Partially because of those high consumption taxes, prices for luxury cars are often two or three times as much as in America.
John Riccitiello, president of Electronic Arts, says that probably two or three times as many people are playing games online as offline.
It is about 12ins (30 cm) long which is about two or three times bigger compared to similar objects of its type.
All these rents are two or three times typical operating costs.
"I know in America a lot of entrepreneurs have been bankrupt two or three times before they've got to where they got, " he says.
Especially now that it has to package together something that is at least two or three times better or more useful than Hulu Plus.
Most Mini E users recharged their cars at home, and some did so only two or three times a week rather than every night.
In developed countries, we spend two or three times less on food as a percentage of our income as do people in developing countries.
But in sharp contrast to the euphoric highs, would come these random, disorienting and incredibly dark thoughts, sometimes two or three times a day.
All because I read a book called You: Staying Young, which advises taking large doses of calcium citrate two or three times a day.
Despite its universally bad reviews, the play has been kept alive through two or three times the number of previews than any other Broadway production.
FORBES: Julie Taymor's Departure From Spider-Man Should Surprise No One
Irrigated rice-farming, which is two or three times more productive than the rain-fed sort, is growing rapidly throughout the basin, albeit from a low base.