Dr. SPIESEL: The manufacturer's would just as soon not have them tested because if they're tested, two possibilities.
That leaves two possibilities: last year's combination of much posturing and little action, or real commitment to achieving bold reform.
They have ruled out two possibilities -- mechanical "impact" damage, like that caused by being dropped, or short-circuiting outside the battery.
There are only two possibilities that can explain this senseless debacle.
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Putting the two possibilities together in one sentence is brilliant speechmaking.
FORBES: A Tale of Two Inaugurals: Kennedy vs. Obama--Which Is Better?
Here are two possibilities: your profit on each job or customer does not cover your overhead, or you are losing money on too many jobs or customers.
There are two possibilities: First, that money cannot buy happiness.
Trucking executives should do contingency planning for two possibilities.
The Czech Senate has just held a public hearing on the issue, which circled, as such discussions always do, around the one or two possibilities that Czechs accept as logical, but cannot bring themselves to love.
In the design of the well, the company apparently chose a riskier option among two possibilities to provide a barrier to the flow of gas in space surrounding steel tubes in the well, documents and internal e-mails show.
FORBES: Obama-Picked Investigator Says No Safety Shortcuts In Blowout Well. Really?
Two possibilities are the senators from Florida, Bill Nelson , a lawyer who once went up in the Space Shuttle, and Bob Graham , who is retiring, whose bid for the presidential nomination flopped but who is Florida's last Democratic icon.
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While it's easy to see how TouchPad and smartphone sales would symbiotically attract developers, it's less clear how much apps for those products would have in common with, say, those on a printer front panel or on a layer living on top of Windows on a PC -- two possibilities that HP has raised for device markets where it is particularly strong.
Perhaps, but there are two alternative possibilities that conservatives will not like.
The two other possibilities, which were ruled out, were on-island heat treatment - in an incinerator, gasification or pyrolysis plant - or a further stage of processing to produce a fuel product, which would also be shipped off-island.
Officials, and some politicians, have already discreetly canvassed possibilities for the two parties to share control in the ultra-sensitive area of policing.
That left those two big holes as the only real possibilities.
The possibilities for this sort of local two-screen co-op are enormous, and I really hope we see it happen in the future.
"The possibilities seem endless with three as opposed to two" says Long.
The game is an almost infinite web of possibilities, because with so many permutations no two players will create the same world.
ECONOMIST: Using artificial intelligence to bond player and game
In the next two parts in this series, I will look at the possibilities of establishing internal agility.
FORBES: When Will US Firms Become Agile? Part 1: Virtual Agility
Two stories, from immigrants in different generations, sum up the possibilities and some of the problems.
"I carry with me a message of optimism about the possibilities of a peace treaty, " Bush said with the two Israeli leaders.
Two, and worst of all, they become more and more removed from their own human possibilities.
"Within two or three years you can see a system that is really something that's got great opportunities and possibilities, " he said.