"I'm able to remove evil, stomach sickness, migraines, typhoid and diabetes too, " she boasts.
CNN: Witchcraft in Tanzania: the good, bad and the persecution
The world's first combined hepatitis A and typhoid vaccine is launched in the UK on Monday.
Diseases that can be detected by direct sequencing include cholera, tuberculosis, HIV, typhoid, flu and anthrax.
In 1861, Prince Albert, consort and husband of Queen Victoria of England, died of typhoid at Windsor Castle.
Gerald Pier, of Harvard Medical School in Boston, and his colleagues, think they have the answer: typhoid fever.
ECONOMIST: Cystic fibrosis and typhoid fever: A Faustian bargain | The
But that income has been cut back recently, and her husband died of malaria and typhoid in October 2009.
Thus it was important that GPs became fully versed in infections like malaria and typhoid which can prove fatal.
Malnutrition was widespread, and so were diseases associated with poverty: cholera, dysentery, typhoid and parasitic infections such as malaria.
Living in cities certainly encouraged waterborne diseases like typhoid and cholera that had rarely been a problem in even the poorest villages.
WSJ: Matt Ridley on Infectious Diseases and Standards of Living | Mind & Matter
Ms Massai said water-borne diseases such as typhoid and diarrhoea may spread.
However, many communicable water borne diseases such as diarrhea, cholera, typhoid, etc arise when bore wells are not adequately maintained and remained uncovered.
Health workers in the capital, Dushanbe, fear another typhoid epidemic, which last year put almost 9, 000 people in hospital and killed about 100.
The diagnosis triggered a sort of "Typhoid Mary" scramble to find and test everyone who might have been in close contact with Ms. Skipper.
Making sure clean water is available will perhaps the most important factor in preventing the spread of diseases like typhoid, cholera, and other infectious diseases.
Whilst harmless to the oysters, cholera, typhoid and hepatitis B pathogens were fatal to diners, who ate them, as we continue to do today, raw and alive.
The vaccine provides protection for hepatitis A for patients over 15 years for a minimum of 12 months and protection against typhoid fever for up to three years.
Their research, published in this week's Nature, studied the relationship between Salmonella typhi, the bacterium that causes typhoid fever, and the protein which, when faulty, causes cystic fibrosis.
Tuberculosis, cholera and typhoid, unknown before 1990, are already prevalent.
The government estimates that less than 30 percent of villagers have access to latrines, which poses serious health risks and increases the threat of deadly diseases like typhoid and malaria.
While some health officials have mentioned the possibility of cholera and typhoid, Osterholm said those diseases don't pose a problem because they didn't exist in the region before the hurricane.
Even before this flow of offal, raw sewage so polluted the shores of Lake Michigan that in the summer of 1854 typhoid and dysentery claimed 60 lives a day in Chicago.
Take the Aral Sea in Central Asia, now a shrunken, poisonous cesspool of pesticide residues and toxic chemicals that are causing an explosion of chronic bronchitis, cancer, typhoid and hepatitis, kidney and liver disease.
He was flown by air ambulance from Freetown, the capital of Sierra Leone, earlier this month with suspected malaria or typhoid, but was finally diagnosed as having Lassa fever after a battery of specialist tests.
The RPS said: "We would be very concerned if a patient took a homeopathic preparation to travel to an area where there may be yellow fever, typhoid, malaria, believing they were safe when in fact they wouldn't be safe".
Ms Brown from Sense about Science says that if the regulator doesn't think "continuing to market useless homeopathic travel 'vaccinations' for diphtheria, malaria, polio, typhoid and encephalitis" and potentially putting lives at risk is not reckless then there's little point having regulation.