Of these, the most immediate is the fact that the sorts of problems inherent in this Treaty are of a piece with those it is currently confronting in the draft Outcome Document for the UNGeneralAssemblymeeting next month.
Following the release of the IAEA report and ahead of the UNGeneral Assembly's opening meeting later this month, this week US, German, British, French, Russian and Chinese diplomats met in Germany to discuss the possibility of ratcheting up Security Council sanctions against Iran.
Of particular concern is the prospect that the upcoming high-level plenary meeting of the UNGeneralAssembly from September 14-16 will be used to implement various ideas for international taxes.
Bolton is being savaged by the latter for wisely seeking over 500 changes to a draft Outcome Document envisioned for signature by heads of state and government at a High-Level Plenary Meeting of the UNGeneralAssembly next month.
Both foreign secretaries should meet as often as necessary and report to the two foreign ministers, who will be meeting on the sidelines of the forthcoming UNGeneralAssembly.
American officials say that Mr Obama shared intelligence about the plant with Russia's President Dmitry Medvedev at a meeting this week on the margins of the UNGeneralAssembly.