Our hearts and prayers go out to the families who are going through just some unbearable pain.
"For 23 years, the families have suffered unbearable pain and we have profound sympathy for them, " Bernstein said.
In unbearable pain and fear I started to cry and call out for help, but no help came.
If so, be afraid, because you haven't worked out in three months, and are about to be in unbearable pain.
He has caused unspeakable and unbearable pain to all his family.
Patients then perform various tasks that trick the brain into thinking it can control the missing limb, something earlier studies suggested would help alleviate the often unbearable pain.
First, pain is not a particularly significant factor in leading people to ask for death: in the Netherlands, only 5% of requests for assisted suicide or euthanasia come from those who described themselves as being in unbearable pain.
During the past few months, the pain had become unbearable at times, and he was admitted to the hospital several times for pain crises.
"I twisted my leg violently in the first test and the pain was unbearable, " said the 2010 champion.
He continued working until 2008 when the pain became unbearable, he said.
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Hating what happened in Newtown CT, hating the unbearable loss and the enduring pain, is what bringing Einstein and Freud to your holiday gatherings will support.
FORBES: Newtown Is Why You Should Bring Einstein And Freud To Your Holiday Gatherings
The pain of an advertiser boycott could become unbearable.
FORBES: Why Murdoch Won't Fire Brooks Over Phone Hacking Furor
Immediately after the blast, an incredible pain shot through his leg, and an unbearable thought kept going through his mind: Where is my daughter?
CNN: In runners' tent and ER, a rush to save limbs -- and lives
In severe cases the pain lasts for years and can make ordinary sensations unbearable.