More than 3m people are thought to have gone uncounted in the 2000 census.
ECONOMIST: The decennial census: The knock on the door | The
Yet, with an Internet hosting uncounted free retirement planning calculators, few avail themselves of the service.
It's uncertain how many Anglo-Indians remain in India, uncounted since a 1941 census.
There were not enough uncounted votes to cover the spread in Ohio which held the 20 electoral votes Kerry needed to win.
However, some ballots uncounted by the machines are legitimate by any standard.
Before going into the building, he held out a bunch of uncounted bills, which Simone put into her handbag without counting them, either.
Counties where he led the regular vote have about twice as many uncounted overseas absentee ballots as do counties won by his Democratic rival, Gore.
So these 32 ballots were brought, uncounted and unopened, back to City Hall, where they were stored in a secure room until they were counted.
I've taken part in uncounted policy discussions about America's uninsured, both as governor of Tennessee since 2003 and before that as CEO of Nashville-based HealthAmerica Corp.
The party affiliation of all the uncounted ballots isn't known.
Jobs remain the number one concern of Americans, and rightfully so as unemployment remains stuck at 9%, not counting the thousands of unemployed, who have stopped looking and remain uncounted.
On Election Night in 2004, state election officials certified Rossi as the winner, but a manual recount requested by Gregoire uncovered a number of previously uncounted ballots in heavily Democratic King County.
With 78 billion barrels of proved oil reserves (to the U.S.' 22 billion) and uncounted trillions of cubic feet of natural gas, Venezuela has the largest hydrocarbon deposits in the Western Hemisphere.
The counted and disputed ballots were then sealed with red evidence tape and, along with a separate box of uncounted ballots, hauled back to the Leon County Circuit Court by sheriff's deputies.
Kerry called Bush Wednesday morning to concede defeat after initially holding out hope that uncounted provisional ballots could give him an edge in Ohio, which would have given him the electoral votes needed to win the election.
America in the 18th and 19th centuries was a land of thousands of licensed stills. (And uncounted, shall we say, informal operations.) "New York alone had 1, 200 legal distilleries before Prohibition, " claims Ralph Erenzo, a cofounder (in 2003) of Tuthilltown Spirits, the state's first and so far only whiskey producer since Repeal.