Sir Anthony also said a police inquiry into the original trial was under way.
The company says it intended to renew its application following a global pediatric trial already under way.
They denied wrongdoing, and the trial is under way in Delhi.
As the match-fixing trial got under way Tuesday, presiding Judge Mehmet Ekinci stressed that the investigations were aimed solely at the defendants, rather than the institutions they represented.
As the investigation into the results of the trial gets under way and the waters calm, the market is likely to climb a bit to a more stable equilibrium in the near-term.
That trial is under way in New York City and focuses on whether Macy's has the exclusive right to sell some of Martha Stewart branded products such as cookware, bedding and bath items.
Many cardiologists now say the Food and Drug Administration should have delayed approve Zetia until plans for the trial were already under way.
In the trial, now under way in federal court, people who were detained have asked a judge to appoint a monitor for the police department.
At the heart of the trial, which got under way Wednesday, is whether Macy's has the exclusive right to sell Martha Stewart-branded products in such categories as cookware, bedding, and bath.
An initial late-stage clinical trial involving hundreds of patients is already under way, but the FDA will require a second set of tests.
The trial will continue during the second Test, which gets under way in Galle on Thursday.
The trial of Rajat Gupta on insider-trading charges got under way in New York.
Dr. Kieran said another trial, involving a cocktail of lonafarnib and two additional drugs, is under way at Boston Children's Hospital to try to achieve even greater benefits and that a fourth drug is being tested in mice and may be tried in the children in another trial.
Its first actual trial, against Thomas Lubanga, a former Congolese warlord, at last got under way in January but had almost collapsed before it started when it was found that some evidence had been kept from defence lawyers.
ECONOMIST: The worst crimes, the law and the UN Security Council
The problem is lawyers must convince the judge there is some way to conduct a trial that will account for the different rights consumers in 50 different states have under their own consumer-protection laws.
As the costs mounted, the trial of Jamie Gray, his wife Julie, son James Junior and daughters Jodie and Cordelia got under way at Bicester Magistrates' Court.
"The events of last week were deeply disturbing to everyone in the city, " and the trial has helped sharpen focus on stop and frisk, but intense negotiations among lawmakers and advocates were under way for weeks beforehand, Quinn said.