Under the plan, high-fliers in their final year of undergraduate study would be recruited by Frontline.
Attempting to address this weakness, Stanford released, in January, a study of its undergraduate education.
"The most important thing is to understand what you want out of your entrepreneurship program, " Sherry Hoskinson, director of the University of Arizona's McGuire Center for Entrepreneurship in Tucson, ranked third and fourth on the graduate and undergraduate lists respectively, told the study.
The current undergraduate finance model, where students borrow to study for three years in a UK institution, does not provide for a future in which students might want to take course units from a range of universities, both in the UK and abroad.
Overseas study is sometimes another way to accelerate your undergraduate degree.
One third of England's undergraduate population studies part-time, and the importance of part-time study for the economy and social mobility is widely recognised.
The partnership with BPP will benefit people who want to study locally, says Mr Taylor, allowing the college to "offer undergraduate programmes at affordable fees in our own classrooms".
Higher undergraduate tuition fees may trigger a collapse in numbers of mature students in England, a study warns.
The institution has launched an undergraduate degree in Linguistics with Chinese and all students at Lancaster University are offered the chance to study Mandarin and the university offers Chinese cultural courses to local schools and businesses.
This rise in prestige has been mirrored by a revamp of undergraduate business programs, with the top ones increasingly resembling MBAs thanks to an emphasis on the rigorous study of economics, statistics and accounting and MBA-like teaching methods using case studies and team exercises.