First, he got a deed to an undivided one-half interest in real estate in Cochise County.
The ETF represents a fractional, undivided beneficial ownership interest in the SPDR Gold Trust.
Thus far, the Pacific remains largely undivided, but APEC has few other achievements to its name.
However, it is doubtful whether the economy would benefit from the undivided attention of politicians.
Leaders must give their full and undivided attention if they hope to be admired as inspiring communicators.
First, a Europe that is undivided, democratic and at peace for the first time in its history.
Give your full, undivided attention to the one, important task at hand before moving on to the next.
Now that the debate on admission is over, ASEAN must turn its undivided attention to providing some answers.
Top-to-bottom, he was always taking someone to lunch, giving them his undivided attention, and making them feel special.
This, obviously, leads to the risks of undivided government at this precarious moment.
Even when I am on call and just working from home, my children experience the frustration of not having my undivided attention.
Few churches are undivided in their ideas: consider the Episcopalians' ructions about the appointment of an openly homosexual bishop.
Gaining Winfrey's undivided attention would be a boon for the nascent network, which has been mired by months of behind-the-scenes troubles.
And so the attention that you've given to the matters at hand up to now, your undivided attention is needed continuously.
Maybe an hour in your week (or your day) when you log out of email and give your work undivided attention.
FORBES: Give Yourself A Break: Why Doing Less is the Smartest Thing You Can Do
"Walking meetings result in undivided attention because the mobile device isn't within eyesight, tempting you to step away from the moment, " she says.
Now, if you'll excuse us, we've got a Gran Turismo 5 disc laying here that needs our undivided attention for the time being...
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This new mission for NATO is designed to secure a Europe that is undivided, democratic and at peace for the first time in history.
Just as voters are not exactly embracing with happy hearts the whole Democratic team and platform, they also are not, it seems to me, wittingly voting for undivided government.
In reaching its conclusion to deny the deduction, the Tax Court held that the transfer of the home was not the transfer of an undivided interest in the property.
Once the fire department destroyed the home, Gale posited, the Patels retained no substantial interest in the home, and thus would have transferred an undivided interest in the property.
Or "Undivided Divided, " Shen Wei's new work for the Park Avenue Armory, where ticketbuyers are encouraged to walk among 30 dancers as they perform in squares painted on the floor.
My undivided focus as prime minister is on acting to make Britain a fairer, safer and more prosperous nation and, in particular, on guiding the country through the current economic difficulties.
It is at this point that the sweep of life catches up the mere personality of the performer and while the individual (the undivided one), becomes greater, the personal becomes less personal.
And, according to one Turkish-Cypriot survey, only 8% want integration with Turkey, against 32% who favour a loose confederation with the Greek-Cypriots, 23% who want full independence and 5% who dream of the old, undivided island.