Especially when the subject is the unexciting guy in the photo to your right.
FORBES: Blogger fishes for voyeurs, but he's not getting many bites
At first sight, its returns look unexciting: just 6% annually, despite lots of risk.
But, not many were planning to restock significantly given the unexciting demand outlook and strict controls on financing trades.
In this nutritious but unexciting dough come little raisins of Mitrokhin's own revelations.
Once discarded as uninteresting, unexciting and dead, boring dividend stocks have become beautiful.
Until now, the municipal bond market has been the mom and apple pie of financial markets, wholesome, enduring, and unexciting.
FORBES: Could Municipal Bonds Be the Next Financial Titanic?
Rather than airing those unexciting FCS games, the network will have a purely BCS-on-BCS schedule that ought to greatly increase viewership.
FORBES: Big Ten's Cupcake Diet Could Spell Disaster For FCS Schools
Perhaps this over 100-year-old company lacks a clear focus and target audience, with its overwhelming variety of goods at unexciting prices.
FORBES: British Retailer Marks & Spencer Struggles To Do It All
Margins squeezed, costs rising rapidly, brands dumbed down and stock prices unexciting.
But Mr de Venecia is an unexciting candidate who has consistently failed to make much of an impression in the opinion polls.
In fact, says Barclays, most of the data was unexciting.
FORBES: Barclays Calls China's Recent Data Dump 'Unexciting'
If there is a trend, Mr Rosedale says, it is perhaps that Second Life does best in places with bad weather, fast broadband connections and unexciting entertainment options.
ECONOMIST: A fantasy world where people make their own films
They are willing to price more keenly to get business and are able to do so because they invest in higher-yielding corporate bonds rather than safe but unexciting government bonds.
Europeans believe their politics has become old, tired, unexciting.
The provincials have made their money doing anything as unexciting as selling livestock and frozen meat or even cheap electronics, whereas the city dwellers have made their money in manufacturing, property and investments.
FORBES: 2011 China Investment Guide: How To Marry A Rich Chinese
Believe it or not, the unexciting, less volatile stocks, for the most part, outperform over long term the more exciting but highly volatile shares, such as the growth plays favored by Wall Street.
Well, it seems that astrophysicist Ralph Neuhauser has the unexciting answer -- most of the radiation would have been caught by the atmosphere, meaning that it's highly unlikely anyone succumbed to an accidental overdose.
ENGADGET: Alt-week 1.26.13: quadruple DNA helixes, Byzantine mutants and battling hospital bugs
So far the results have been unexciting.
FORBES: Amgen Exec: "Clearly Superior" Prostate Cancer Drug Will Be Huge
But the larger question is: has the mediocre quality of the candidates, the public boredom with their debates and the unexciting, not to say confusing, method of selection set the Conservatives back rather than forward on the road to recovery?
C'mon, at age seven, visiting the River Thames in central London is probably on the top ten most unexciting ways to spend a crucial week of summer vacation, but if you could snag a WiFi signal whilst the 'rents oohed and ahhed at all the lovely sights, now we're talking.
ENGADGET: River Thames' banks now WiFi-enabled via mesh networking