The felony charges weren't "a big deal" and are unimportant to her, she said.
The athletic aspect of the Boston Marathon feels hopelessly unimportant now, as it should.
Economics is not such an exact science that a variety of opinions is unimportant.
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You never know what might seem unimportant, but later turns out to be critical.
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No thoughtful business person would argue that big, visionary, strategic thinking is unimportant to an organization.
FORBES: Think Small. Small Things Make A Big Difference in Employee Engagement
After the documents emerged last week, Mr. Pekhtin brushed off the affair as unimportant.
This is quite obviously market manipulation: and at the larger economic level almost entirely unimportant.
Surprisingly often, I need to remind myself not to spend too much time on relatively unimportant decisions.
Journalistic sloppiness, negligence or misconduct that gives rise to Bittman-esque drivel about these issues is not unimportant.
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From a public health perspective, all that matters is that the bacteria die, the how is unimportant.
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PCs, as such, he regards as an unimportant technology so far as the labour market is concerned.
And then morale in the banking industry - not unimportant to our prosperity - could have been rebuilt.
And then there is the not-unimportant detail that nearly 15% of people are already behind on their utility payments.
Do you find yourself spending too much time and energy on unimportant decisions?
Hence, more often than not, arms control is impossible until it is unimportant.
"The fact I won golf tournaments is irrelevant and unimportant compared to all the damage I've done, " he said.
Many have collapsed as businesses, but even the big ones are systemically unimportant.
Puny humans can quickly deduce the direction of a sound and assess its significance, while also ignoring unimportant background noise.
ENGADGET: Honda's HEARBO robot can separate and locate four sound sources at once (video)
Tax incentives and tax packages are uniformly viewed as low priorities by location consultants, relatively unimportant to the basic decision.
Author and speaker Allan Bacon insists that blowing off work -- the most unimportant work -- can be beneficial.
The wastrels were those who did too much: who failed to differentiate between the big risks and the unimportant ones.
Government should license civil partnerships just as it does business partnerships, in which the sexes of the partners are unimportant.
But these aesthetic concerns, while not unimportant, are not what irk passengers most, says Anthony Smith, chief executive of Passenger Focus.
He was given the job, temporary at first, of king of Transjordan, a land considered unimportant, except in its relation to Palestine.
To a couple interested only in the fastest way to untie the knot, the question may seem to be an unimportant technicality.
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Each NBA game is thus relatively unimportant compared to an NFL game.
Unless individuals within the business have a lot personally invested, public company price changes seem unrelated and therefore unimportant to business owners.
Ideally, the money and the future value of the work are unimportant.
The difference is so small as to be unimportant, says John Kastelein, the University of the Netherlands doctor who led the trial.
About as unimportant, in fact, as the governorship of a mid-sized State.