Taxes and regulations always have unintended consequences, but Europe's transaction tax is folly twice over.
Call it the potential for unintended consequences that attaches to virtually any legislative or administrative action.
Its just an interesting example of unintended consequences and the importance of thoughtful evaluation in medicine.
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What was at work in Minnesota is a dramatic illustration of the law of unintended consequences.
Of course, such a tax could also have damaging unintended consequences that would damage financial markets.
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Whether we want to admit them, the unintended consequences have already begun to emerge.
In high tech, we've see the law of unintended consequences at work for years.
The unintended consequences of this has not fully played out, but give it time.
Bad policy that steers students into a prescribed path inhibits learning and leads to unintended consequences.
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Those unintended consequences are the ones we are living with today here in Florida.
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The other thing about biofuels is what I call the problem of unintended consequences.
Any change to the complex rule set in the firewall could have unintended consequences.
Before tampering with it, we should humbly remind ourselves of that baleful law of unintended consequences.
In their zeal, activists have once again failed to recognize the Law of Unintended Consequences.
While this may sound great on paper, it could bring about a raft of unintended consequences.
In trying to avoid the pitfalls of undesirable unintended consequences, we can only hope.
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But, says Mr Jones, much of history is about the unintended consequences of government actions.
In addition, any large change in the financial industry has the potential for unintended consequences.
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That is because of the unintended consequences of the rise of the tea-party movement.
Meanwhile, the very act of spreading life on Mars has some dangerous unintended consequences.
"I would just hope the government keeps an eye on possible unintended consequences, " he says.
The mistake made by these good people is that they did not fully contemplate the laws of unintended consequences.
Though the model is working as well as it can, the execution has some unintended consequences.
Inevitably, every compensation plan has delivered unintended consequences, some good and some not so good.
New laws must be seen as experiments, and lawmakers must watch for unintended consequences.
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As always with China's reforms, it is worth thinking about the law of unintended consequences.
It also makes it increasingly difficult to express the complex unintended consequences of economic systems.
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The effects of minimum wages are among the most tragic examples of the law of unintended consequences.
Once more a deeply dangerous policy action is decided apparently without any awareness of its unintended consequences.
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New consumer products--or new anything--always bring with them unintended consequences, especially when they are misused or overused.