It has details of life insurance policies, pensions, unit trusts and share dividends.
Instead, they have decided to focus on profitable products, such as savings accounts, cards, unit trusts, mortgages and insurance.
Mr Stals has also allowed unit trusts (mutual funds) to invest up to 10% of their total assets abroad.
Unit trusts on average perform about 1.5 percentage points a year worse than whatever index they are intending to outperform.
Recently, however, other investment products, especially unit trusts (mutual funds), have flourished.
But unlike unit trusts, they are themselves quoted companies so that investors buy their shares to acquire a stake in those securities.
One way to do it is to invest in a selection of the hundreds of investment trusts and thousands of unit trusts available.
Unit trusts account for about 13% of the British equity market, which means that, to a significant extent, these managers are the market.
In Britain, such funds, locally known as unit trusts, have become a booming industry, thanks to a deep stockmarket and a modest social-security system.
Savers are deserting banks for more rewarding places to park their money, such as in mutual funds (unit trusts, in Britain) and insurance policies.
And much share ownership, in that Anglo Saxon system, is parked in mutual funds, unit trusts, insurance companies (where they back insurance policies) and so on.
The mutual funds and unit trusts sold to Uncle Edgar and Aunt Edna are also open-ended, allowing retail investors to move money in and out when needed.
Put together, however, the two studies suggest that British unit trusts' fees are only a bit more expensive, and that was not the real cause of underperformance.
The distribution of investment management includes, but is not limited to: separately managed accounts, mutual funds, variable annuities, unit trusts, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), exchange-traded notes (ETNs) and other exchange-traded products (ETPs).
But of course there are specialists - there are expert managers out there in the form of unit trusts managers, investment trust managers and all of these people are there to help.
Unregulated by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) or other relevant regulators, hedge funds are not subject to the limitations and restrictions imposed on their public fund brethren, such as retail mutual funds in the United States or authorised unit trusts in the United Kingdom.
It is the investing approach of the day, meaningful mostly because fund managers want to distance themselves from the widely held view that unit trusts in Asia used to concentrate more on industries than companies, letting the region's strong growth pull them along regardless of the inherent quality of the companies selected.
Unit investment trusts are one of three basic types of investment companies.
FORBES: Why Unit Investment Trusts Can Be A Good Investment Alternative
Such income producing strategies may include bonds, dividend paying equities, mutual funds, closed-end funds, exchange-traded funds ( ETFs) and unit investment trusts (UITs), to name a few.
FORBES: Why The Fed May Have To Break Its Pledge And Raise Interest Rates Before 2015
Nurses at the RCN's annual conference in Harrogate said the government must make sure each area had a mental health trusts with a specialist mother and baby unit so they could get the best care.
Flaherty broke his Conservative Party's election promise not to impose any additional taxes on the trusts, which are able to pay out most of their earnings as dividends to unit holders without paying tax on the corporate level.
Canadian's oil and gas trusts typically pay out most of their cash flow (net income plus noncash charges like depletion) to unit holders.