Dr Tony McEnery, of the University of Lancaster's Department of Linguistics, who has compiled a huge database of modern English usage, says children and teenagers are "quite productive" in their use of abusive language.
Professor Linda Woodhead, professor of sociology of religion at Lancaster University and co-host of the Westminster Faith Debates, said modern medicine advances had seen a change in people's attitudes about death.
Professor Linda Woodhead of Lancaster University says religious belief is changing rather than disappearing.
In Britain, Steve Young of Lancaster University and Dennis Oswald of the London Business School found an unusual concentration of external shareholders (ie, fewer insiders, more institutions) among firms announcing buybacks, and also spotted a link to better corporate governance.
In the 1940s the church embraced the welfare state as a modern, professional alternative to charity, willingly dismantling voluntary relief networks and signing over thousands of church schools, hospitals and other bodies to the state, notes Linda Woodhead of Lancaster University.
Director of the Lancaster China Management Centre at Lancaster University Management School Professor David Brown, said the institution was one of the first in the UK to forge links with the country.
Cary Cooper, professor of organisational psychology and health at Lancaster University, also blames economic insecurity and geographical mobility.
ECONOMIST: Why so many people are off sick while the economy is healthy
Lancaster University will then use a state-of-the-art statistical system to identify which cases are related to quickly identify potential clusters.
According to Jens Rydell and Winston Lancaster at Gothenburg University in Sweden, the majority of Scandinavian moths have tiny ears tuned to the ultrasonic pulses that bats emit as they give chase.
But Professor Cary Cooper, a psychologist from Lancaster University, warned that community cohesion was damaged by the decline of the High Street.
The University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust, which runs hospitals in Barrow, Kendal and Lancaster, told staff it faced a "serious financial challenge".
There was the party from Lancaster University who travelled to the Copenhagen climate conference to make their feelings known about the future of the planet.