One of the report's authors, Peter Gill, from the department of primary care health services at the University of Oxford, said these cases should be the "bread and butter" of community care and admissions put pressure on hospital services and carried the risk of hospital-acquired infections.
Professor Tim Peto, consultant in infectious diseases at the University of Oxford, said the original paper in Science came as a great surprise to experts.
One of the report authors, Dr Robert Clarke, from the Clinical Trial Service Unit at the University of Oxford, said that the findings were "reassuring".
Dr Mark Stokes, a cognitive neuroscientist from the University of Oxford, said it was an "exciting" piece of research that brought us closer to the concept of dream-reading machines.
Dr Roi Cohen Kadosh, study author from the department of experimental psychology at the University of Oxford, said the noise stimulation group showed improvements in cognitive and brain functions compared with the control group.
Professor Peter Donnelly, of Oxford University, said the Welsh carry DNA which could be traced back to the last Ice Age, 10, 000 years ago.
Professor Fred Taylor, of Oxford University, UK, said the case for going to Europa was compelling.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Europe tells US: 'Come to Europa'
Paul Inman, pro vice-chancellor of Oxford Brookes University, said Swindon was "one of those areas that desperately deserves success".
Prior to the report's publication, Mike Nicholson, director of undergraduate admissions and outreach at Oxford University, said his university was already working hard to attract a wider range of student and made tutors aware of students' backgrounds.
Anthony Courakis, a professor of economics at Oxford University, said that now was not the time for "draconian" punishment.
Mr Patten, who is chancellor of both Oxford University and the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, said the party should not be arguing for a cap on fees.
BBC: Some academics have joined students in opposing the plans
"He thought 'Thomson was a genius who showed the way to everybody', and he wanted to be part of that story, " said John Heilbron, a fellow of Oxford University.
BBC: Niels Bohr letters reveal trials of his time in England
Steve Royle, the director of rowing at Oxford University Boat Club, said the local boating club had assessed the conditions as safe.
But Dr Anders Sandberg, James Martin Research Fellow at the Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford University, said that while "the future looks pretty bright" there are "dark shadows" because technologies to improve the world also bring fears such as security worries over advances in sharing technology and bio-weapons coming out of bio-technology meant to feed us and bring us new sources of energy.
Prof Donnelly, a professor of statistical science at Oxford University and director of the Wellcome Trust centre for human genetics, said DNA samples were analysed at about 500, 000 different points.
But Sir John, a Royal Society research professor at Oxford University, said his lack of experience would make it easier for him to introduce the fresh approach that the agency would seek to provide.
Paul Brennan, director of clinical services at Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust, said the report concluded it was "appropriate to reopen the unit for births" but said a period of three months was needed to address the recommendations.
In total, in 2009 22% of Oxford University students were from ethnic minorities, the institution said.
BBC: Oxford University: PM incorrect on black student intake
"The hottest of the models in the medium-term, they are actually looking less likely or inconsistent with the data from the last decade alone, " said Dr Alexander Otto from the University of Oxford.
"The stalactites and stalagmites from these caves are a way of looking back in time to see how warm periods similar to our modern climate affect how far permafrost extends across Siberia, " said Dr Anton Vaks from the University of Oxford.
"This is the start of a new story of physics, " said Tony Weidberg, Oxford University physicist and a collaborator on the Atlas experiment.
Prof John Oxford, a virology expert at Queen Mary, University of London, said the figures "make sense".
Prof John Oxford, a virology expert at Queen Mary, University of London, said the work seemed to be a significant step forward.
But Elizabeth Mills who lives near Oxford Brookes University, where there is a high density of HMOs, said the houses created a lack of community.
"We've never seen an elementary particle with spin zero, " said Tony Weidberg, a particle physicist at the University of Oxford who is also involved in the CERN experiments.
"Mr dos Santos is starting to think about stepping down but he will want to ensure his political future is protected first, " said Paula Roque, an Angola expert at the University of Oxford.
Lord Patten, Oxford's chancellor, said the university's status as one of the world's great universities meant that it was a worthy recipient of such extra funding.
"The possibility that current climate models underestimate the effect of solar variations on climate is probably the single most contentious issue in climate research at the moment, " said Dr Myles Allen of the department of physics at Oxford University.
Sir Jonathan Michael, chief executive of Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust (OUH) which runs the Horton General Hospital, said the OCCG and the OUH "both agreed that the suspension of emergency abdominal surgery at the Horton should remain in place, in the interests of patient safety".
"On the basis of the radiation doses people have received, there is no reason to think there would be an increase in cancer in the next 50 years, " said Wade Allison, an emeritus professor of physics at Oxford University, who was not connected to the WHO report.